Mesh/4 April 2017

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People's Open Network 4 April 2017to


andrew, juul, jorrit, ian? josh: never played with mesh networks but curious eve, daniel, jeff, lesley


Mike, carpenter friend of Daniel, confirmed today that will be helping build the gate at the server area.

== NSF Grant (competition?) ==+

RESIST grant: Jenny

Due this Friday

Dashboard/firmware update

jehan: The dashboard has reached a good stopping point, and grant knows how to deploy it. I'll be back at sudo this Sunday to do a final QA on it to make sure it is ok. cool, am looking into where/when to insert the new repo in the firmware build, makefiles based off wlan slovenia


Jehan: I want to look into bringing some of our many n600's to battle mesh and helping them set up their testbed. Also, what about taking another stab at getting some good confirmed connectivity at some of the houses around the omni?

NPR interview update?

He's still working on it. Monday he requested I connect him to Mitar, which I did.

New installation updates?

Jake took a long pre-crimped ethernet cable from the shelf and will fix his new node (had loose connection).

Disaster Radio update

Started working on an ESP8266-based version using NodeMCU here: grant interested in helping out, building modules?

We have a working system and development framework that so far does: wifi, dhcp server, dns server and webserver serving up a node.js app

juul will be adding a new access point to the people's open net home node firmware

Monitoring / map software update

  • No code progress since last week.
  • Had discussion on Sunday about node mapping:
For now we should simply have a "register your node" feature on the map where you can add your email, phone and node location (all optional)
In the future we might want better
  • Need to deploy to server.
  • Andrew interested in working on it?

inventory security: gate project update

daniel has a carpenter friend he's gonna ask to help out

Annual meeting: April 18, 7:30

juul will ask if jenny wants to send invite

Need to send email

Discussion of working groups / nominations of facilitators

lesley: everyone is contributing to multiple things overlapping with the proposed subgroups, why do we need this? jorrit says he is talking a lot... is interested in taking lead for on-boarding possible contributors eve: what's the branding of people's open lesley: decentralized, without leaders, without surviellance, be clearer on messaging grant: scalable collectivisation

create node mounting group, jeff volunteered his house for a node mounting demo, Sunday 1pm, BRING YO BIKE HELMETS we don't have a tall ladder, or van?

daniel: we should make sure we do our installations right. so they look nice.