Mesh/Flashing extender nodes

Download the Image File For a Extender Node

The extender nodes that we currently support are:

Name Model No. OpenWRT Doc Firmware Image
Ubiquiti Nanostation M5 NSM5 OpenWRT Docs firmware: pre 2015 or 2015-2016
Ubiquiti Nanostation M2 NSM2 OpenWRT Docs firmware image
Ubiquiti Picostation 2 OpenWRT Docs firmware image
Ubiquiti Picostation M2 OpenWRT Docs
Ubiquiti Nanobeam M2 and M5 OpenWRT Docs
Ubiquiti Bullet M2 and M5 OpenWRT Docs

Flash the Extender Node

  • Configure your wired internet settings to use Manual IPv4 settings with IP:, subnet:, gateway:
  • Plug one Ethernet cable into your laptop on one end and into the "LAN" port of the power-over-ethernet power supply on the other end.
  • Plug another Ethernet cable into your antenna on one end and into the "POE" port of the power-over-ethernet power supply on the other end.
  • Push a pin into the reset hole and hold it.
  • With the pin held down, plug in the power to the power-over-ethernet power supply.
  • Watch the lights on the antenna - they will all flash together a few times, then they will flash up and down.
  • Once the lights on the antenna are flashing up and down, you can let go of the pin.

You should be able to ping the extender at

 $ ping
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.54 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.826 ms

In your Linux terminal, type:

 git clone
 cd ubi-flasher
 npm install
 ./flasher.js '<path to firmware>'

The terminal will tell you "The firmware has been successfully sent to the router. In a few seconds, the router should begin flashing its four status LEDs sweeping from left to right, then right to left (or up down, down up). This means that the router is flashing itself with the new firmware. Once the router goes back to having only the power LED lit, the router has been successfully flashed."

Wait until the antenna has only the power LED lit and you're done.

Nanostation M5

If you attempt to flash the extender and receive a 'Firmware check failed' error, then you have a version of the NSM5 that is protected from being flashed via the TFTP method. You will need to obtain a serial to USB interface (USB to UART TTL Module Serial Converter, 5 pin) and use it to flash the firmware.

  $ ./flasher.js openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-nano-m-squashfs-factory.bin
  Connection timed out
  Sending openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-nano-m-squashfs-factory.bin to using tftp put
  [Error: (Server) Firmware check failed]

USB to Serial Connection

The following notes describe steps to interface with a Nanostation M5 (NSM5) via the serial interface. This may be necessary to manually load firmware onto the device if the web interface or TFTP methods of flashing the firmware become unavailable due to manufacturers disabling these methods of firmware flashing.

Order a USB to Serial Converter

USB to serial converter devices exist at a cost of $4 - $8 online, with much lower pricing and longer delivery times if ordered from China. Search for "USB to UART TTL", including "5 pin" in the search. Make sure the specifications do not mention anything other than 3.3 volts.

Connecting to Serial

You will need to connect the following pins from the converter to the pins on the device.

  • Ground (GND)
  • Serial Out (Transmit / TX)
  • Serial In (Receive / RX)

Begin by connecting the Ground of the converter to the Ground of the device. Next connect the Transmit/TX of the converter to the Receive/RX of the device, then connect the Receive/RX of the converter to the Transmit/TX of the device.

Serial Communications Program

You need to install a serial communication program. Linux users can use Minicom.

 sudo apt-get install minicom

By default the Minicom program will attempt to use /dev/tty8, and will also attempt to initialize the device (expecting a modem) by default.

 $ minicom
 minicom: cannot open /dev/tty8: Permission denied

Run the program so that it starts the program on the USB converter that is connected by adding `-D /dev/ttyUSB0`, and specify that it should skip initialization by adding `-o`.

You can also specify from the command line that it use the baud rate and '8N1' settings specified below by including `-p 115200 -8`.

 sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -o -p 115200 -8

In Minicom, CTRL-A to get settings, then Press O, to access settings

Go to Serial Port Setup, use these settings:

  • Set the serial device (should be /dev/tty/USB0)
  • Baud Rate (Bits Per Second): 115200
  • Settings '8N1' (short hand for 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
  • Turn off hardware and software flow control

Reboot the device, and it will let you drop into a command line. You will then have to figure out how to enable the network from the boot loader (Uboot or Redboot) and transfer the firmware to the device to flash it.