
Mesh earth2018.png

Mesh the Planet! 2018 Unconference

As a followup to the Internet Archive's Decentralized Web Summit taking place July 31 - August 3rd, members of Sudo Mesh will be hosting an unconference to bring together the decentralized internets community in the shared spirit of meshing the planet!


  • What: An unconference / hackathon around building and deploying the decentralized web
  • When: Saturday, August 4th, 11:30 - 6pm
  • Where: The Omni Commons' Sudo Room and/or its ballroom, located @ 4799 Shattuck Ave, Oakland, CA
    • Roughly half a mile north of the MacArthur BART station, ~20 mins from San Francisco
  • RSVP on SSB
  • RSVP on the intertubes


(Each role needs multiple volunteers. Add your name to anything you are willing to do!)

  • Front desk (6 volunteers) - Mai, Seth, Jenny
  • MCs (2 volunteers) - Mai, Jenny
  • Lightning talk facilitators - Mai, Benny,
  • Hackathon hardware facilitators (4 volunteers) - Seth, robb, juul
  • Food - Scott/nanomonkey,
  • Sudomate - Jenny
  • Setup (8+ volunteers) - Jenny, Benny, Seth, noffle, robb, juul
  • Cleanup (8+ volunteers) - Jenny, Seth, noffle, robb, juul


Material Resources

See Aspiration Tech's Materials Shopping List

  • 3" x 5" un-ruled stickie notes, 1 pad per about 5 participants (Jenny will buy)
  • Fine point Sharpie markers (Jenny will buy)
  • 1/4" color dots for voting (in office)
  • Movable walls! (in ballroom)
  • Infinity coffee, snacks, and hydrating beverages
  • Tables and chairs
  • Power strips
  • Extension cords
  • External monitors
  • Mesh testbeds - Sudo Mesh, Toronto Mesh, others?
  • Cable crimping table - Cat5 cable, crimpers, RJ45s, guides
  • Swag table - buttons, stickers, pins, zines, tshirts etc!
  • Nametags
  • Sign-in sheet / pens
  • BYOI / PON schwag
  • Projector
  • Several easel pads - (pods can use these to write down the list of presenters)


  • 11:30 - 12:00 pm — Sign in/lunch
  • 12:00 - 12:30 pm — Introduction
  • 12:30 - 02:00 pm — Lightening talks/discussions
  • 02:00 - 02:15 pm — Break
  • 02:15 - 02:45 pm — Structured Brainstorm
  • 02:45 - 05:30 pm — Hackathon
  • 05:30 - 06:00 pm — Demos
  • 06:00 - Late — Evening fun timez

11:30 - 12 pm Sign-in


12 - 12:30pm Introduction

  • Welcome to BYOI/Dweb unconference: review agenda, code of conduct
  • Introduction to the Omni & sudo, housekeeping etc (Jenny)
  • Overview of mesh networks and People's Open Network (needs volunteer)

12:30 - 2pm Lightning talks/discussions

  • For the first 1.5 hours we'll do five-minute lightning talks. This is an opportunity to get on a soap box or facilitate a discussion for 5 minutes about whatever the hell you want. We're modelling this after the lostlevels unconference.
  • Depending on how many people attend, there will be a different number of simultaneous presentation pods. We need one pod per 15 presenters. This way each pod will finish presenting after about 15 presentations * (5 min presentation + 1 min setup) = 1.5 hrs
  • A presentation pod consists of:
    • 1 timekeeper (needs a volunteer)
    • A bunch of presenters
    • Probably some audience members who are not going to present
    • A space in which to present (probably just a quadrant of the ballroom, unless it gets too noisy. no projection or amplification.)

The Timekeeper

  • The timekeeper is extremely important! Every pod needs its own timekeeper.
  • The responsibilities of the timekeeper are:
    • Start a 5 minute timer when a presentation begins
    • Give the presenter a warning when they have only 1 minute left

The Presenter

  • Congratulations! You have been selected to present at Mesh the Planet 2018! Competition was fierce, but your proposal was exquisite. Now's your chance:
    • You will have 5 minutes to present about anything you want *or* 10 minutes to facilitate a discussion about anything you want
    • Find a facilitator with an easel pad and tell them your (pseudo)name and the title of your presentation / discussion. They will write both down on the easel pad.
    • The facilitator may ask you to find a different facilitator if their easel pad is already filled up.
    • Don't wander too far! When it's your turn to present, the facilitator will call your name out.
    • The facilitator will give you a visual warning when you have only 1 minute left, and when your time has run out.
    • Please be courteous and get off the soapbox when your time is up so we can move on to the next presentation.

The Audience Members

  • When you are not presenting, you are an audience member! Your responsibilities are:
    • Pay attention to your peers!
    • Move to a different pod if you are bored
    • Applaud enthusiastically when the presentation is over

2pm - 2:15pm Break

2:15 - 2:45 Structured Brainstorm with Sticky Notes

  • 3 min - Writing by yourself (as many ideas as possible)
  • 10 min - Posting notes to wall + organizing notes into related groups
  • 15 min - Sharing out what groups of ideas developed / deciding what to hack on in remaining time

2:30pm - 5:30pm: HACKATHON

Deploying mesh services live to People's Open Network!

  • We'll have a stack of Home Nodes (WD MyNet routers) and NAS devices and can spend the day deploying various services and building our own internet!

5:30pm - 6pm Demos

- Show off what you hacked on in Sudo Room

6pm - Late Evening funtimes

  • Food? Karaoke? Dance party??
