Morning math/Voting systems

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This project is an example of formulating a mathematical model. Read more about mathematical models

Voting systems Model

There are three sections to this model: variables (our basic definitions), relationships (attempts to represent a more complex understanding of the components of our model), and the side-line (items that will complicate the model further, to be tackled later, as we go).

Overall questioning the "1 person, 1 vote" assumption in an effort to assess fairness and error in voting systems.


  • Va = a voting event.
  • E = overall error
  • e = error
  • T = a topic to be voted upon
  • b = a single ballot
  • v = a vote (a choice)
  • J = jurisdiction (a geographic boundary)
  • M = a vote counting method
  • t = tabulation time


  1. For any voting event Va, there exists an overall error EVa.
  2. For any voting event Va, there exists at least one jurisdiction J.
  3. For any jurisdiction J, there exists an error eJ.
  4. For any jurisdiction J, there exists at least one vote-counting method M.
  5. For any jurisdiction J, there exists n number of ballots b1, ..., bn.
  6. For any jurisdiction J, there exists an average time to tabulate an individual ballot tM1, ..., tMn.
  7. For any ballot b, there exists some number m of voting topics, T1, ..., Tm.
  8. For any ballot b, there exist vT1, ... vTm votes, each of which can be null (no vote).
  9. For any ballot b, there exists a corresponding method Mx
  10. For any ballot b, there exists a ballot type y.


  • Rank-choice? -- Other voting styles, multiple votes per voter
  • Anecdotal secrete ballot
  • Some voters may require assistance (potential introduction to error?)
  • Vote-counting is functional
  • What about predictions?
  • Errors on basis of discernable intent of the registered voter.
    • We are not concerned with human intermediaries (e.g. volunteers).