
Revision as of 17:09, 2 March 2023 by Yar (talk | contribs) (sections are equal signs, not hashes)

sudogateway is the computer connected between the network inside Omni Commons (including sudoroom) and the outside world. It is the main "gateway" or "router" at Omni.

= Networking

=== WAN sudogateway is connected to Monkeybrains internet, consisting of a (Monkeybrains-owned) dish on the roof pointed toward a Monkeybrains access point.

Bandwidth on March 2, 2023 was 386 Mbit/sec (up, 385 down) according to /root/bin/

=== LAN

= Access

sudogateway is critical infrastructure for the internet at Omni Commons only, as well as door access and smoke alarm software. Uncritical server/sandbox experiments by omni/sudoroom members should stay on other computers, or on outside VPS'.