[disasterradio] Mozilla/NSF Grant Timeline & Action Items

mix irving mix at enspiral.com
Thu Oct 5 21:29:39 PDT 2017

Wow, great summary Jenny, thanks for pulling this together.

Do you want anything from the Scuttlebutt side here?

On Fri, 6 Oct 2017, 10:52 Jenny Ryan <tunabananas at gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings meshers,
> Am posting this off-list as there are ~250 people on the sudomesh mailing
> list and many of them will likely be competing for the same grant. Also, I
> made a mailing list for Disaster Radio folks
> <https://sudoroom.org/lists/listinfo/disasterradio> as a supplement to
> #disasterradio channel in Patchwork. Those who were on the conference call
> last month have already been added, but feel free to join if you'd like.
> Also started a hackpad for the Peoples Open Network submission
> <https://hackmd.io/BwQwZgJiBMEGwFoDMSDGB2BAWArCAjAsAAzDAL4BGIAnCaiMcQKbFA==#>,
> plz add to it!
> --
> Timeline for the NSF/Mozilla WINS grant below, followed by action items
> (plz read those if you intend to participate in either the Disaster Radio
> or People's Open submissions):
> *Intent to Apply (Oct 15th):*
> I checked back on the 'Intent to Apply' form, which is due *October 15th*,
> and noted that the only info they required was a contact name, org name,
> org status, and which challenge the org is applying for - 'Both' is an
> option, and I'm 100% confident that's what I submitted back in August.
> According to the challenge rules, "Teams may submit Submissions to both
> Challenges and may submit more than one Submission per Challenge." So we're
> good on the Intent to Apply for both People's Open and Disaster Radio.
> *1023 Nonprofit Application (mid-October):*
> The next deadline is self-imposed, and that's getting Sudo Mesh's 501c3
> application in the mail ASAP - I am hoping by early next week, but may be
> the following week since I'd like Jesse to review it and sign the Power of
> Attorney form. It only took the IRS ~2-3 months to send both Omni's and
> Sudo's exemption letters, so hopefully we'd get ours by January, when the
> Stage 1 prizes are announced. I'll include a letter for expedited treatment
> in the application, which lives currently in the Sudo Mesh google drive and
> is nearly complete:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4_Q7DQvNFT-MWx5bkI5MXVUYkU
> *Design Concept Submission (Nov. 15):*
> All submissions must first apply to the Design Concept Stage, for which we
> need to submit mockups, hardware & network diagrams, and written
> documentation. Prizes (for $60K, $40K, $30K, and $10K[x7]) and projects
> eligible to move on to the Working Prototype Stage will be announced in *January
> 2018*.
> *Working Prototype Submission (June 22):*
> If Mozilla deems our submission(s) eligible, we then need to submit
> working proofs-of-concept by *June 22, 2018*. For this they suggest the
> following forms of documentation: Network test data, Video demos,
> Photographic documentation, Software code, and Hardware schematics.
> "Finalists during the Working Prototype Stage may be required to provide
> live demos for judges and/or a public audience at a Challenges Showcase in *Summer
> 2018*."
> *"Prizes will be announced in or around August 2018. Finalists during the
> Working Prototype Stage may be required to provide live demos for judges
> and/or a public audience at a Challenges Showcase in Summer 2018."*
> *Action Items:*
> 1. Define teams: While we have a defined team for the Disaster Radio
> project (for which we're applying to the Off-the-Grid Internet Challenge
> <https://wirelesschallenge.mozilla.org/_assets/NSF-OffTheGrid.pdf>), we
> need to define a team for submission for the People's Open Network (for
> which we're applying to the Smart Community Networks Challenge
> <https://wirelesschallenge.mozilla.org/_assets/NSF-SmartCommunity.pdf>).
> Let's discuss who wants to participate in the PON team at next Tuesday's
> meeting. Any participant can be on multiple teams. I started a hackpad for
> the PON submission here:
> https://hackmd.io/BwQwZgJiBMEGwFoDMSDGB2BAWArCAjAsAAzDAL4BGIAnCaiMcQKbFA==#
> 2. Choose Team Leaders: Both projects will also need to consent to someone
> who can serve as the Team Leader, essentially the point of contact between
> Mozilla and the project. This is ideally someone highly responsive to
> emails, organized and able to stay on top of the various elements of the
> submissions. Happy to play this role for either or both, and can think of a
> number of folks who'd make excellent points of contact - just think it over
> and volunteer if you have the spoons!
> 3. Sudo Mesh board members - namely *Jake, Lesley, Marc, Andrew, and
> Jorritt* - please write up 1-2 sentences describing your 'qualifications'
> (eg degrees, work experience, notable projects) into the spreadsheet I
> sent you yesterday
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IwaVw_9gMHnDutAMEKnM0G0Pq7NbRENkVjsYZuqfBr4/edit#gid=0>
> - it's a requirement of the 1023 application.
> 4. Everyone working on the grant team(s) should read through the Application
> Submission Guide
> <https://assets.mofoprod.net/nsf/NSFWINSapplicationguide.pdf> to get a
> sense of what kind of questions we need to respond to and documentation
> we'll need to write up. Consider your strengths and interests and what role
> you'd like to play - code dev, written documentation, use cases / user
> stories, design, website, some combo of the above, etc. We've already
> sorted roles for Disaster Radio - but *add yourself here if you'd like to
> work on the Peoples Open submission as well:*
> https://hackmd.io/BwQwZgJiBMEGwFoDMSDGB2BAWArCAjAsAAzDAL4BGIAnCaiMcQKbFA==#
> --
> I'll propose we sesh on the Peoples Open grant submission as a breakout
> session for next Tuesday's meeting and see if folks are down to have an
> extended hackathon on it sometime in the next two weeks.
> And a reminder that Disaster Radio hacks on Monday evenings and to register
> for Science Hack Day
> <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/science-hack-day-san-francisco-2017-registration-36948939272>
> for the weekend after this!
> <3
> Jenny
> Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
> https://omnicommons.org/donate
> `~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`
> "Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
> -Laurie Anderson
> "Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
>  -Hannah Arendt
> "To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
> -Stéphane Mallarmé
> ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`
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> disasterradio at lists.sudoroom.org
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