[Mesh] Amazon AWS credit

Mitar mitar at tnode.com
Sat Feb 1 15:45:06 PST 2014


> I don't think $100 worth of amazon credits is really worth any one of us
> spending much time on it, given the cost of amazon services (it looks like
> it'd be two months worth).

I am not sure where are you looking at costs? Micro instance is $0.025
per Hour, that is 4000 hours which is a bit more than 5 months.

$20 dollars per month seems expensive for you? Depending how they
behave, I would say.

> So the only reason to use it that I can see would be if we're going
> to create an image/script/guide to make it easy for others to use
> amazon, and I don't want to encourage that.

Why not? What is wrong with Amazon?

I think, if look globally, for mesh networks in general, having a
turnkey solution is something which can help bootstrapping the networks.
They can move later on away from Amazon, but starting there I think is
an easy solution.



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