[Mesh] Twister

The Doctor drwho at virtadpt.net
Tue Jan 14 12:22:32 PST 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 01/14/2014 12:15 PM, Mitar wrote:

> OK, but this should not be an obstacle for hackers on this list.
> ;-)

On the one hand, you seem to be correct.  On the other hand, the
Twister codebase is very young and could probably use a few more
developers working on it.  The code reads like a first cut to me, a
"Gee, I wonder if I can do this?" sort of thing.

> The question I have is - is this something we might wanna add our 
> efforts to and build then something for mesh networks as well?

The traffic patterns for Twister have yet to be characterized.  It is
possible that the message exchange and DHT update traffic might crush
the inter-node links.  Time will tell.

> I am still hoping for something which would be able to run on
> small OpenWrt routers in distributed manner, each node, small node
> of a mesh social network.

We have a solution which works pretty well for us, if the list is

> I am not sure if Bitcoin-based solution really can run on such
> small devices, though.

Nor am I.

- -- 
The Doctor [412/724/301/703] [ZS]
Developer, Project Byzantium: http://project-byzantium.org/

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WWW: https://drwho.virtadpt.net/

"The truth, as always, will be far stranger." --Arthur C. Clarke

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