[Mesh] Fwd: [eecs-announce] Amateur Radio (HAM) is Back in EECS

Mitar mitar at tnode.com
Fri Jan 31 00:00:28 PST 2014


Cool. I invite you to learn more about HAM! It is really good to know
more about low-level things of the technologies you are using.


-------- Original Message --------
From: Miki Lustig <mlustig at eecs.berkeley.edu>
Subject: [eecs-announce] Amateur Radio (HAM) is Back in EECS
To: eecs-announce at lists.eecs.berkeley.edu

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

 1) Amateur Radio Exam on Campus
 2) License Preparation Lectures on Campus
 3) Demonstration of Satellite communications tomorrow memorial glade
 4) What is HAM and what is it good for
 5) Ham-shack in Cory Hall
 6) Link to all the info: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ee123/sp14/HAM.html

1) Exam:
As part of a do-it-yourself, maker, I can build it  trend the department
has been leading I am trying to revamp the amateur radio activity in the
As such, I have organized a special exam session for an FCC Ham radio
operator license . The session will be on Feb 26th 7-9pm HP auditorium,
Soda Hall
and is open to EVERYONE, students, staff, faculty, family and friends.
My students in EE123: Digital Signal Processing will all be taking the

2) Preparation
Even though the exam is EASY for EECS/CS majors, in the next 3 weeks I
am going to give a series of lectures to prepare for it.  The first one
is going to be this Friday, Jan 31st 5-6pm HP auditorium, Soda Hall.

3) Tomorrow, Wednesday Jan 29th we are going to have a demonstration on
satellite communication with handheld radios in memorial glade. Just
look for people walking around with antennas. Satellite Saudisat 1c
OSCAR-50 is going to flyby from 12:20-12:34 so be there on time.

4) Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) is a popular hobby and service in which
licensed Amateur Radio operators (hams) operate communications
equipment. Although Amateur Radio operators get involved for many
reasons, they all have in common a basic knowledge of radio technology
and operating principles, and pass an examination for the FCC license to
operate on radio frequencies known as the “Amateur Bands.”. These bands
are radio frequencies reserved by the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) for use by ham radio operators.
The role of amateur radio has obviously changed with the presence of the
internet. Remarkably, amateur radio today offers unique opportunities
and capabilities due to its independence on commercial infrastructure.
For example, it is a legal ground for hands-on experimenting with
wireless communication technology and it allows communication in
emergencies and from remote areas.
What can you do as a HAM?

Talk to people (near and far)
Build stuff (amps, sdr’s, antennas, receivers)
Emergency communications (emcom)
First person view (FPV) vehicles (drones) at much higher power of
communication for long distance
Hit satellites, moon, meteors, airplanes (with radio waves! … not
something else)
Digital communication with Automatic Positioning and Reporting System,
packet radio
Use Repeaters covering bay-area, California and the United States, mesh
5) Activities in amateur radio at the University of California Radio
Club go back to 1914! According to the January 1923 issue of CALIFORNIA
ENGINEER, the amateur radio station was originally established in the
Mechanic’s Building in February of 1914.  For 30 years or more the radio
station was located in Cory Hall up until the renovation of this
building in the 1980s.  I'm trying to get a Ham shack back  on the 5th
floor of Cory Hall. If you are interested in participating, please shoot
me an email and I'll put you on an email list for more info.

6) For more information, please visit


Michael Lustig, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
506 Cory Hall, University of California, Berkeley CA, 94720

Office Tel: (510)643-9338



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