[sudo-discuss] Consider washing any plates or utensils BEFORE & after using them

Ed Biow biow at riseup.net
Sat Apr 12 13:37:35 PDT 2014

I understand the landlard entered the premises a couple of days ago and
gave folks 5 minutes to evacuate before setting off several bug bombs.
I'm pretty sure that kind of behavior is illegal without at least 24
hours notice. I haven't noticed much sign of non-landlord related vermin
in the room, but I don't spend extended amounts of time at the space. 
When folks objected to this intrusion I understand that the landlord set
off one or more foggers in a garbage can, which, of course, rather
defeats the purpose, particularly since Elliot bravely (if perhaps
foolishly) took the still fuming trash can outside, I hope he's OK.

Anywho, I stopped by the room last night to drop off a bag of bread and
hung around gabbing for 20-30 minutes and noticed that my exposed skin
was burning & itching and my lungs felt weird.  I think I suffered from
contact dermatitis, I took a shower as soon as I got home and threw all
of my clothes in the laundry hamper even though I'd only been wearing
them for a week or two, but I'm still feeling a bit of intermittent

Personally, I suspect that a fair amount of the hoopla over exposure to
household chemicals is overblown, even neurotic is some cases, but given
the landlord's cavalier and abusive actions I surmise that he may have
visited during the middle of the night and set off a large number of
TRFs.  Now I'm beginning to see why so many sudoers are agitating for a
change of venue. Cue the music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVDo_Ub-s9U

So if this has not been done yet, I recommend that all utensils and
plates get washed and all surfaces get wiped down with a damp cloth.

    Clean Surfaces to Remove Residue

    Upon returning to the area it is important to properly clean the
    pesticide residue from all major surfaces. Counter tops, especially
    those that encounter food, cookware, and/or dishes, should be wiped
    thoroughly with warm soapy water. Carpets and rugs should be
    vacuumed, as should any cloth furniture that was not covered prior
    to fogging the area. Bedcovers, pillows, and any clothing left out
    during the treatment should be washed with detergent and hot water.
    Wood and tile floors should be swept and mopped to prevent pesticide
    particles from being shuffled up into the air.

In the meantime, I suggest not using utensils, cups, plates, etc.
without giving them a rinse first.

While we are on the subject of landlords, pests and food, I pick up a
fair amount of bread and pizza every Friday night from a local
collective to share with the community.  If there are not a lot of
demonstrations or picnics scheduled for the weekend I typically drop off
some of this bounty at the sudoroom.  Is this largess welcome? Does
anyone have an opinion about how much I should deposit, say 1 bag of
bread, 10 pizzas or some such number? 

The devil take all landlards (except me),


"Let's Lynch The Landlord"

The Landlord's here to visit
They're blasting disco down below
Sez, "I'm doubling up the rent
Cos the building's condemned
You're gonna help me buy City Hall"

But we can, you know we can
Let's lynch the landlord man

I tell them 'turn on the water'
I tell 'em 'turn on the heat'
Tells me 'All you ever do is complain'
Then they search the place when I'm not here

But we can, you know we can
Let's lynch the landlord
Let's lynch the landlord man

There's rats chewin' up the kitchen
Roaches up to my knees
Turn the oven on, it smells like Dachau, yeah
Til the rain pours thru the ceiling

But we can, you know we can
Let's lynch the landlord man

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