[sudo-discuss] revisiting mediation/ban from 2014

aaronco36 aaronco36 at fastmail.fm
Tue Dec 13 22:56:24 PST 2016

Gamma Ray <gammashine at gmail.com> wrote:
> Pidgin goes by a different name now (which I can't recall at the moment),
> but Pidgin and Gina are different people. Gina was the other party in the
> conflict resolution case with J, and she has not been banned from the Omni.

FWIiW, the ~17th entry on Noisebridge's '86' page
https://noisebridge.net/wiki/86  mentions "Pidgeon (aka Violet)", but
doesn't [currently] mention anyone named "Gina".
I'm guessing that "Pidgeon" and "Pidgin" are one and the same person.  


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