[sudo-discuss] new proposal - need input

David Keenan dkeenan44 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 18:20:14 PST 2019

If I can, I would be willing to participate in mediation - I have no
details about it. I hope it is an outside entity (NVC, Seeds, etc). If
someone has information, please pass it on?

This may not have been intended, but I find myself resistant to the
implication that its just one or two people that have been treated poorly.
It's more than just two people for sure. From what I've seen this a broad
and ongoing problem, not a one-off kind of problem. As with virtually all
past behavior akin to this, most people on the receiving end simply leave
and dont come back.

In my opinion, dialogue/accountability about what exactly is going to
change, as well as transparency and true understanding around what the real
needs at stake are, really needs to come first? As in, before anything else
like forgiving debts or unilaterally locking up space can meaningfully be
agreed to. Otherwise, it's not clear to me at least how such a solution as
proposed would prevent the same problems from re-occurring at a systemic
level in any way, which to my mind is more important for the collective
health of omni and the community at large, that omni is in theory trying to
be in solidarity with, than being able to lock this or that room, or
forgive this or that debt.

If real dialogue and real accountability dont come first, omni could
conversely send a message of non-accountability, i.e. if the goal is simply
a quid pro quo with no learning, no healing, and therefore no tangible
reason for a rational person to believe anything will change for the
better, which I would normally say is probably not what anyone wants.. but
in this case, perhaps all bets are off idk. For some, the real goal may be
for actually nothing to change, and for everything to stay the same as it
is, because I also get that vibe.

Part of me wonders if the only reason people are talking about having to
get creative here is perhaps due to our collective inability to live up to
our boring old anodyne existing values and policies which I feel like we
are not really doing in this case. Idk.


On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 4:45 PM Julio Rios <julio.rios at gmail.com> wrote:

> +1 on everything Yar just summarized, especially this, because I believe
> we can be more creative than we seem to give ourselves credit for.
> >>>
> I believe we should forgive their debt, allow them to lock the
> room, and also hold her accountable for how she's treated Robb and
> Jenny (in particular). All these things can be true at the same time.
> <<
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