[sudo-sys] Mumble

Marc Juul marc at juul.io
Sun Apr 19 18:04:08 PDT 2020

Hey nice thanks for setting this up!

On 4/16/20, Charles E. Lehner <cel at celehner.com> wrote:
> Dear sudo-sys,
> I set up a Mumble server for Sudo Room. It is running uMurmur on Sudo Room's
> saros machine, and is reachable at address room.sudorom.org.
> Relevant files:
> - /usr/local/etc/umurmur.conf    - Server config file
> - /usr/local/src/umurmur         - Server source directory
> - /usr/local/etc/systemd/system/umurmur.service - Systemd service file
> - /etc/iptables/rules.v[46]      - Firewalls updated to allow incoming
> connections on port 64738
> Relevant commands:
> - systemctl status umurmur       - Check the server status
> - sudo systemctl restart umurmur - Restart the server
> - sudo journalctl -u umurmur -f  - Follow the server log
> uMurmur is a lightweight Mumble server implementation. I first learned of it
> from browsing OpenWRT package repos. If you check e.g. htop, you can see it
> uses very little RAM or CPU. Bandwidth usage should also be low, and is
> limited by some config settings.
> More info on this Wiki page:
> https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mumble
> I also published a private message about it on Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB):
> %6wUU2x+wrO4vJbhebX+p9iYlNuS8EnNlPyGT5o4ogaU=.sha256
> I hope this can be useful for Sudo Room people and groups wanting to have
> high-quality low-latency voice chats, or who like Mumble and could use a
> server that is more geographically close to them and not in a corporate
> cloud. Does sudo-sys have any feedback before I share it to sudo-discuss?
> Regards,
> Charles (cel)

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