  • NO MESH MEETING THIS THURSDAY - though back with a vengeance next week to flash some nodes with v.0.0.1 of the mesh firmware bundle!
  • Check out! Beautiful new homepage thanks to Max O, Matt & martini
  • Node configurator completed by Juul and Rhodey!
  • The build server is correctly building images thanks to Max B!
  • Deekoo is already finding security flaws and pointing them out!
  • Please follow @pplsopennet and @sudomesh :-)
Current Action Items:
  • Investigate becoming a Ubiquiti reseller (Roman)
  • Finish up Watchdog script (rhodey)
  • Finish up firmware (juul / max b / chris j)
  • Email sticker people (juul)
  • Write updated Shareable article on mesh networks (jenny)
  • Contact first 20 experimental node operators (jenny)
  • Update budget spreadsheet and pursue bank account (jenny, matt?)
  • Submit Issues for changes to the website at the Github repo (everyone)
  • Please scan the spectrum around your house using one of these software tools! (everyone)
Outstanding Action Items:
  • Investigate ham folks and their equipment - maybe they are getting rid of towers etc
  • Can we keep the same IP yet switch to different access points?
Nominations for Board of Directors:
  • Jenny nominates Rhodey, MaxB, ChrisJ, Matt, Marc, Jenny, Deekoo, Jeremy, Miguel, Luis, Jake
  • You can add nominations to this thread!
  • Accept or reject nomination by Dec. 12th, we can consense on them the following week. If you have questions about responsibilities and liabilities, please ping the list.
[NOTE: You can make this process easier for me by adding a descriptive comment when creating or updating a wiki page!]
Recommended Reading: