And a reminder to pay your dues!

These notes are archived here:

May 29, 2013

=New Action Items=
*Follow up with Andrew on keypad access system (documentation, outreach to other tenants) (Marina)
**Cubby with the keypad system is marked in sudo
**UPDATE: Andrew finished the keypad access system!
*Matt remind Tommy to write rent check for George
*Matt will call LMI to get the lowdown
*[Postponed] Discussion of new spaces and active searching
*EVERYBODY: Let's gear up for First Friday [June 7 Demo Night!] and outreach to folks on the streets - music on Broadway, gimmicks on Telegraph, etc;

*Jordan, Bill, Matt, Sam, Len, Eddan, Marina, Jenny, Tom, Romy

''Let's get to know each other!''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
* Introduction to purpose and format of this meeting
Brief personal intros (< 20 sec per person)
* [Go-around topic]
Icebreaker (10 min)
* [Pair/small group discussion on a topic. Ex: What are some ways that you resolve conflicts?]
What would you do in a zombie apocalypse?

=Announcements (Consent Agenda)=
''Use this section to briefly announce and consent to items that need no more details or discussion''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
(< 8 minutes)
* This Sat 6/1 at 2PM: Today I Learned: The Simple Computer!
** See upcoming TIL's and sign up for one at
* Sunday June 2 @ 7pm - Cleaning of Natural Decay
* Use (ask Matt for admin access)
** Tweet any space details @sudoroom
** Email
* Interested in more inter-hackerspaces collab? Join Open Hack Night every Monday at 7pm @LOL (1234 23rd Avenue, San Antonio (east Oakland)).   LOL is a POC, Queer and Women-organized hackerspace. It is radically   inclusive--EVERYONE is a desired member! Their organizers want us to do   more stuff at each others' spaces. :] :]
* Next BACH event: June 15th @ Noisebridge - time?
** BACH info:
* Sudo Bike - ask Matt about borrowing it for a set period of time, or for donations to "Sudo Bike"
* New internet: Goodbye Sonic, hello LMI!
* June 22/23: Workshop Weekend! Help organize or teach DIY/makery/hackery/sciencey/arty workshops. - JD and Gil
** Great way to reach out to kids and families
* RADIO!!!!
** sign up for a slot at
** contact marina for training, or test out the documentation:
** next steps: production
* Next Writers meeting this Sunday at 4p! Screenwriters' meetup at 5p!
*ReWrite  Oakland this weekend (June 1)
*Tom's bachelor party July 7th! We're invited! contact Tom @ - Live music, beer, dominos!
*Hayward Hackerspace! - HayHackers! - talk to Matt or Jenny

''Use  this section to review old tasks and propose new tasks/topics for  discussion. Keep topics brief - if topics are large, they can spillover  into later discussion, after-meeting small group discussion, listserv  discussion, or next meeting discussion''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
(< 30 mins)

==Old Business==
**It was awesome!
**Mobile public computer terminal! (Infobot)
**Membership management system
*** Some codez
*** Billz codez
**Door Access
*** Andrew  set up the keypad system and reached out to the Public School (if it doesn't work he will fix it tonight :-) try code 31337)
**Radio room
**Meeting format
** Next steps?
***What kind of information to publicly display?
***Buzzer access to other tenants in the building
* Bitcoin payment mechanism implementation (Romy)
* Matt will follow up with Tommy re: getting a bank account
Additional items for Sunday hackathon: list of expectations to discuss with landlords, membership management service
* Funding ideas
** Current list here:
** People were reminded to add their names next to projects they were interested in, unclear how many did so.
** Next steps?
* Membership & Access Discussion: who is a member? what are the benefits of membership? how is membership related to access?
** Articles of Association on member benefits:
*** Made staggered wepay system, seeking feedback/improvements:
** Summary of possible membership benefits structures:
** Straw poll on membership and access:
* New space discussion
** Priorities / values
** Historical / Previous requirements for any potential space are listed here:
*** Please note that those are from last year and is in need of updates--let's do that now!
*** Exterior security - safety of the surrounding area
*** Lease vs month-to-month rent (latter preferred)
*** Kitchen / communal kitchen
*** Street-facing
*** No regressions from the current space
* Strategy
** Use (ask Romy or Matt for admin access)
** Tweet any space details @sudoroom
** Email
*Renew Craigslist posting looking for friends?
** were there any responses to the first posting?
* Logos!
''items here are not for discussion, only for reference for later meetings so that we don't forget about them :)''
*[Postponed] Talk to Danny O'Brien, intro from JC to Jordan, invite him to come to a future sudo meeting to share insight!
**Straight to the source--but out of the country :( Will be back later this month and Jordan will follow up then.
*[Postponed until necessary] Eddan - Reference letter from George
*[Postponed until necessary] Jenny sync with Troy on library - Not yet but they will
*Set up date for label-printing organizing of stuff event - Jenny!1 -troy
**still need to set a date
*[Postponed until someone throws Romy a massive love bomb] Romy to lead diagram for Articles of Association amendment
*Romy  to work with Troy to turn the articles into a flow diagram. Diagrams  and drawings of sudo room members being passed around.
*[Postponed until ?] Add articles to github (gitorious!!!!!!!? - - Yardena is going to put these articles up

=Fiscal Solvency=
''In  this section we review our current financial situation and budget,  approve monthly budgets, and discuss any other finance-related issues.''
Exchequer: Tommy
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
(20 mins)
* LAST MEETING OF THE MONTH: Pay your dues :)
* Review and consensus process:
** Fiscal Solvency Spreadsheet -
** Rent: $1500; Utilities: $220; Services: $50
**Target membership contribution: $88 per member (based on approx. 30 people)

=Amendments to the Articles of Association=
''In this section we discuss and review any proposed amendments to the articles of association:''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]

=Conflict Resolution=
''In this section we address any conflicts that have gone through the conflict resolution process as described here:''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]

''Add any discussion or other agenda item spillover to this section''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
*Internet Discussion
**LMI - same gateway, copper etc just paying LMI instead of Sonic
*Landlord situation
**What to do about request to have elevator locked at night?
***Well, how do we get in?
**Thank them for all their help and how awesome they are
**We would love to be better tenants!
**Update them on the state of the access system
**Trash/recycling - we need a key for access to the trash
***George doesn't want to give the key to people because he doesn't trust us to properly sort the trash.
***We need to be able to access the trash or
**Suggest requests be made in writing, a little more formalized, because there are often folks in the space he addresses who are new to the community.
**Suggest a monthly in-person check-in instead!
**Immediately write down what George requests and forward it along to him and sudo-discuss for confirmation.
* Continue discussion around membership benefits
** Probationary period for new members, upon which 24/7 access is granted
** Let's ship something soon, and its imperfection will enrage those willing to hack on it
* Publicity Pipeline - how do we have better outreach strategies both for sudo room and for sudo room events?
* Instructables
**Add 10 instructables, receive free stuff (eg 3D printer)
*The future of the ex-chequer
* New exchequer (tasks):
** Get on bank account
** Follow up on deposits made
** Presents budget during meetings
** Coordinates with scribe to make budget available to all members [transparency]
** Determine if per-member dues can be reduced
** Forecasting longer-term budget
*Exchequer tasks that could easily be done do-acraticly:
** Coordinate new ways of paying
** Investigate alternative sources of income
** Encourage donations
** Infographics? Coordinate with Romy :D
*501(c)3 status and fiscal sponsors:
**Could for example Noisebridge open up a bank account for us?

=Post-Meeting Small Group Meetups and Discussion=
Co-Facilitators: YOU! & ?
*Mapping potential spaces: citizen science spaces, pop-up hackerspaces, etc;
Scribe:  Convert notes to wiki page and email the list with a link to the notes  page and a succinct list of highlights (including action items).


"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé