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(Created page with "1/17/2024 Meeting Meeting announce: https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/thread/VLWW3JITUCWBW7XHOFKCQ3JT6QLNEYBK/ Note Taker: Ⅹ and ... Carl (notes are really incomplete) Moderator: free wheeling = Attendees = * Carl * Ⅹ * angl3a * paige * yar * peter * arthur * sierk * jnny * eric * jake * alex = Agenda = * space status * making amends with Jamal * item * sudo mesh * sudo room take a position that foreclosure is worst option...")
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Revision as of 00:37, 18 January 2024

1/17/2024 Meeting

Meeting announce: https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/thread/VLWW3JITUCWBW7XHOFKCQ3JT6QLNEYBK/

Note Taker: Ⅹ and ... Carl (notes are really incomplete)

Moderator: free wheeling


  • Carl
  • angl3a
  • paige
  • yar
  • peter
  • arthur
  • sierk
  • jnny
  • eric
  • jake
  • alex


  • space status
  • making amends with Jamal
  • item
  • sudo mesh
  • sudo room take a position that foreclosure is worst option

Agenda item amends with Jamal

paige: what yar meant by not representing marginalized communities. peter: public forum. v one on one

silence shattered with audio echoing (meeting resumes)

discussion about delegate representation with potential Executive Director

Clarification? Is discussion of Executive Director for sudo room and/or Omni Commons?

Extensive conversation amongst attendees. There's also an e-mail presumably as part of public mailing list.

peter: Call for focus, too much arranging deck chairs on Titanic.

list archive of thread about Executive Director (ED):


discussion of who can work with who, and who's already left with unresolved conflict. there seems to be issues continuing to block any further resolution with Jamal.

Need for clarification of sudo room delegate for upcoming meeting.

  • arthur: raises virtual hand to request to speak. discussing delegate(s) voice holding sudo room vs omni commons first.
  • yar: follow up question
  • paige?: does sudo want to continue talking to Jamal
  • jake: weighs in on initial interactions prompted by Silver "hiring" Jamal. Feels they are being overwhelmingly focused on over broader needs.
  • jnny (chat): not in favor of jamal
  • x (chat): what is the core task of the ED, sudo room or omni commons or both executive director?
  • discussion of "secret" or "not secret" meeting
  • jake: e-mail being read aloud "omnis survival"
  • arthur: would like to speak, would like to hear delegates opinions on sudo room and omni priorities.
  • yar/others: is there a difference
  • angl3a: mentions sudo room interests potentially divided, likes consensus building, would be a delegate if desireable.
  • question of voting or not voting on delegate
  • call for backing up conversation or apolgizing for statements just made by yar
  • x: is the ED contract contemplating any expectation of time commitment and compensation?
  • discussin for clarification regarding statments by attorney and a letter.
  • angl3a says:the process is broken. i ask that while eric has unresolved conflicts and has been asked to step down, that he step down s delegate. request for better meeting procedures for efficiency. forming clarification of vote.
  • x: propose a vote for majority to close this agenda item as unresolved and move on to delegate and other business.
  • staw poll, paige as only delegate?

Yes: 5 / No: 3 / Abstain: 1

Also straw poll on foreclosure outcome as bad/worst.

Agenda item sudo room delegate

straw poll, potential delegate(s)

angl3a: new ahenda item: vote for me to be co-delegate with paige instead of eric

(no notetaker)

questions for pp

paige: questions: what kind of activities, could we host them? bringing locsl black voice

discussion about process of adding groups, CLP and PP past history

Inquirey: "sudo mesh"

x: WITHDRAWN from meeting discussion, thanks for feedback

jnny: Not in sudo room's wheelhouse. Sudo Mesh is its own independent Omni Member Collective and 501c3 nonprofit, tertiarily associated w/ sudoroom. Contact re: moving space / equipment: info@sudomesh.org

Ⅹ: Would like to get recap of current/past state of "sudo mesh" and interested in insuring that it is maintained as the currently registered status "Active" as a 501c3 California Organization Per SoS status "Active" SUDO MESH (3617429) I think this is time relevant giving outlook of current state of things with physical space. I also have couple of projects queing with others that could be suitable to re-engage in active development.

    • yep, maintaining it tx for asking! check the wiki for history; check in with sudomesh board for context/proposals. - jnny

x: Understand you (jnny) are "official" point of contact, is best to reach out to you directly or the org in general thru any particular means? I would like to expolore the oppurtunity of resuming some kind of meeting for sudo mesh, or is Tuesday hack nights deemed an active time for that currently?

jnny: it's complicated. covid era -> many core folks moving away. dealing with family things. i have a fulltime job. jnny: want to reboot but not enough capacity for weekly newbie onboarding.. can always start a meetup or workshop series @ sudo, sudomesh does not have priority over mesh-y/community WiFi explorations! and obviously y'all have dibs on hella gear :)

x: thank you to all for keeping up on things. for process there seems to be some documentation to collect on board meetings or status past 2020. - jnny: yeah maybe focus on omni..? - x: lets talk more post meeting.

x: Announcing intent of engaging in meeting(s) on-line and in-person. Will be discussing related topics, not as sudo mesh specificaly Friday. Will see who else can contact and find times to meet next week as well, such as Tuesday. I have some bandwidth to offer for logistics, and currently would like to work on hacks and radio projects until sudo room and omni dynamics mellow a bit.

Post Post meeting

Tonight's drink of choice: decompiler

  • Glass with ice cubes
  • half grapefruit squeezed
  • liberal pour over of Elderflower Rose Gin

teh'X twaz here (with a view from Hacker Dojo)

Vote on Sudo Room's next Delegate

( left out most discussion, just the vote )

That Eric stands down as delegate for 1 month, pending conflict resolution with Jamal. (not voted yet)

Jake doesn't want Eric to stand down because he feels Eric represents him and not Paige.

Asking if Alex can be delegate.

Vote on: Eric to stand down as delegate for 3 weeks:

   yes:3 / no:3 / abstain:2

Considering only Alex (without Eric & Paige) or Alex & Paige.

Vote for Alex only, Eric & Paige step down, Paige helps in transition:

   yes: 8 - PASSED

More discussion

Angl3a created a #sudo-proposal channel on Omni Slack for us to discuss future proposals. (doesn't exist yet?)