File server

Revision as of 01:50, 10 December 2012 by Juul (talk | contribs)

There is a file server on space.local.

It is 650 GB on an external USB harddrive and completely read/writable to anyone in the space.

Access using SFTP



Open the file manager and in the top menu (all the way at the top of the screen) choose "File -> Connect to Server". Fill out the dialogue box like so:

  • Service type: SSH
  • Server: space.local
  • Folder: data
  • User Name: sudoer

You can choose to add a bookmark so you don't have to fill out the dialogue every time.

The password is: sudoer.

Mac OS X

You can use the free Cyberduck program.

  • Server: space.local
  • Username: sudoer
  • Password: sudoer


On Windows, it's probably easier to use Windows filesharing (see below). If you for some reason prefer SFTP, you can use the free/open WinSCP software.

  • Server: space.local
  • Username: sudoer
  • Password: sudoer

Access using SMB/CIFS (Windows filesharing)


In the file manager, make sure the side pane is open (if not, hit F9 to toggle the side pane). Click "Network" in the side pane, then "Windows Network", then "Workgroup", then "SPACE" and finally "sudoroom public data on space". You can now browse the available data and upload new data by dragging the files to the window.

Windows XP

Just go to "My Network Places" and "sudoroom public data on space server". You can now browse the available data and upload new data by dragging the files to the window.