FAQs! We can either make this its own page or use this as a working document before incorporating it (drumtap, please) into the main Board page.
Questions that still need answering:
- Why do we have a board? It is required in order to be incorporated
- What responsibilities does the board have? Ensuring that a minimum amount of paperwork is filed per required timelines.
- What are official positions within the board? The only official position is the treasurer. Other unofficial positions may exist and should rotate; e.g. scribe, facilitator, etc[1]
- Does the board have a chairman? No chairman is required. Therefore, we don't have one.
- Does sudoroom have a CEO? No CEO is required to be incorporated. Therefore, we don't have one. If we had one, the board would have the responsibility to hire or fire the CEO.
- Does a board member have a legal duty to fund raise? Not unless it's written in the articles of incorporation.
- What legal and/or financial liabilities does a board member have compared to a member of sudoroom who is not on the board?
- What type of legal classification do we have? California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
- What type of legal classification do we NOT have? Benefit Corporation (B Corp)
- What type of legal classification do we want to have in the future? 501c.3
- Are we a business? No
- Do we need a business license? Yes