Mesh/18 April 2017
people's open network hacknight - 18 April 2017
- marc juul
- scott garrison, nanomonkey: getting back into using IRC
- jorrit: made some changes to the site. figuring out how to get ESP8266 to work.
- jeff / jefdaj: wants to put stuff on roofs
- obed - software engineer. family from haiti so understands importance of offgrid comms, been in the bay area for about a year.
- jenny
- eve
- lesley
- dave - cryptorights, working on global mesh project
grant firmware update
Been updating firmware to include Jehan's new dashboard. Firmware is working (it was a permissions issue). Need to test one more time.
eve gate update
Did not hear back from the person who was going to help install the gate. Daniel is away. Eve will loop in Marc on the Signal thread and we will ping this person again to see if they're still up for helping.
- marc welded a sweet sign for mesh! ^_^
We now have the domain We could get (and thus but it's expensive so meh.
entity stuff
- jenny will start a thread to discuss whether we should take over old-omni's 501c3 or submit an independent 1023 app for 501c3 status
- juul: I'm working more on off-grid power stuff. if anyone wants to work on this, have all the materials for an offgrid node setup using a 12V car battery, long speaker cable, cigarette lighter plugin, etc
- for specs
- see also:
action items
- talk to b&g to get a quote for D&O insurance [jenny]
- create an issue on the github to set up an etherpad-lite instance on the sudo server [jenny]
- update inventory infoz -
- put next BYOI workshop on calendar [jenny]