Difference between revisions of "Mesh/Website/Local"

4,331 bytes added ,  12:59, 9 November 2013
(adds basic outline)
(7 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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* Install [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAMP_(software) LAMP server] which is a common software stack of Linux with Apache, MySQL, and PHP (but also can refer to Perl/Python).  
* Install [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAMP_(software) LAMP server] which is a common software stack of Linux with Apache, MySQL, and PHP (but also can refer to Perl/Python).  
*: <code>$ sudo apt-get install tasksel</code>
*: <code>$ sudo apt-get install tasksel</code>
*:* Select the "LAMP server" option with the space bar, then press enter or select the "OK" button.
*: or, possibly use:  
*: or, possibly use:  
*: <code>$ sudo apt-get install lamp-server</code>
*: <code>$ sudo apt-get install lamp-server</code>
*: if that doesn't work, try installing lamp via the following:
*:<code>$ sudo apt-get install apache2</code>
*: Then install PHP:
*:<code>$ sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 </code>
* Examine how Apache runs, can be managed as a <code>service</code> to "reload" or "restart", and how it works with PHP.
* Examine how Apache runs, can be managed as a <code>service</code> to "reload" or "restart", and how it works with PHP.
** For most of this, having a full LAMP install saves a bit of configuration time to get running.
** For most of this, having a full LAMP install saves a bit of configuration time to get running.
** Apache site config file: https://gist.github.com/wrought/7296693 for /etc/apache2/sites-available/peoplesopen.loc
** Apache site config file: https://gist.github.com/wrought/7296693 for /etc/apache2/sites-available/peoplesopen.loc
**: <code>$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/peoplesopen.loc.conf</code>
**** For some reason, modern Ubuntu needs the ".conf" on the end--it shouldn't really matter, but it's convenient.
** Create the directories for your site
**: <code>$ sudo mkdir /var/www/peoplesopen.loc/public_html -p
** Need to enable site with:
** Need to enable site with:
**: <code>$ sudo service apache2 restart</code>
**: <code>$ sudo a2ensite peoplesopen.loc</code>
**: <code>$ sudo a2ensite peoplesopen.loc</code>
*** You may need to
* Edit <code>/etc/hosts</code> file to include something like this line (unless you have a specific configuration):
* Edit <code>/etc/hosts</code> file to include something like this line (unless you have a specific configuration):
*: <code>      peoplesopen.loc</code>
*: <code>      peoplesopen.loc</code>
** If you happen to be using a local dns caching system, you may need clear it with something like:
** If you happen to be using a local dns caching system, you may need clear it with something like:
**: <code>$ sudo service nscd restart</code>
**: <code>$ sudo service nscd restart</code>
** Now visit <code>http://peoplesopen.loc</code> in your browser
* Install WordPress (it's easy!)
** Grab a copy of latest wordpress:
**: <code>$ cd /var/www/peoplesopen.loc</code>
**: <code>$ wget http://wordpress.org/latest.zip</code>
**: <code>$ unzip latest.zip</code>
**: <code>$ mv wordpress/* public_html/</code>
**: <code>$ rm -r wordpress/</code>
** Change owners (this lets the Apache users, who goes by www-data on debian/ubuntu own the files and write to them, but you can too as the group owner)
**: <code>$ sudo chown www-data:YOURUSERNAME ./ -R</code>
**: <code>$ sudo chmod g+w ./ -R</code>
** Create a MySQL database.
**: <code>$ mysql -u root -p</code>
**: <code>mysql> create database peoplesopen;</code>
**: <code>mysql> show databases;</code>
**: <code>mysql> quit;</code>
** Browse to <code>http://peoplesopen.loc</code> to proceed with the installation process, filling out with the information from the previous steps.
*** Fill out the basic site information (doesn't really matter, use whatever is helpful), including a local user account. Don't forget the password, it'll be easier not to.
** Once you've finished and logged in to this new local site, we need to install the themes, including making a clone of the github repository of the peoplesopen "child theme" to your local machine.
**: <code>$ cd /var/www/peoplesopen.loc/wp-content/themes/</code>
**: <code>$ wget https://github.com/downloads/320press/wordpress-foundation/wp-foundation-v2.0.zip</code>
**: <code>$ unzip wp-foundation-v2.0.zip</code>
**: <code>$ git clone git@github.com:sudomesh/peoplesopen.git</code>
*** If you don't have git installed, install it this way:
***: <code>$ sudo apt-get install git</code>
** Finally, since the "child theme" specifies some custom colors, we need to save them so they show up:
*** Go to http://peoplesopen.loc/wp-admin/themes.php?page=options-framework and select "Save options" at the bottom of the page.
=== Mac OSX Flavas..===
So, the big difference between going the MAMP route and installing on Linux, is that on MAMP your local dev environment is not in <code>$ /var/www </code>but instead in <code>$ /Applications/htdocs</code>
'''1. Install MAMP:'''
Note: Just download the free version, the pro automatically comes bundled with it.
'''2. Download WordPress:'''
'''3. move it from your Downloads folder and put it here:'''
<code>$ /Applications/MAMP/htdocs</code>
<code> $ unzip </code> [Your WP zip file]
'''4. You're going to need to do some minor configuration:'''
  - Build a database on phpMyAdmin
  - Create users, etc
  - If you've never installed WP, read this:
  -Once WP is installed and ready to go, then proceed to the next step
'''5. Get the conf file'''
Now that you know where things are, go get the Apache conf file from here:
Save it as <code>peoplesopen.loc.conf</code> and put is here:
<code>$ /Applications/MAMP/conf</code>
6. Now, go download the 'wp-foundation' theme and move it to your 'themes' folder
themes folder is located at <code>$ /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/peoplesopen/wordpress/wp-content/themes</code>
7.  Next, clone the People's Open theme and put it in your 'themes' folder:
go to your themes folder and type:
<code>$ git clone git@github.com:sudomesh/peoplesopen.git </code>
Note: PeoplesOpen theme is built on top of the WP-Foundation theme
8.  Now  that you have all the necessary files, log into your wp-damin GUI and activate the PeoplesOpen theme. And voila!  You're done ;)
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