5MoF 2017-04-05
Put your name and title of your presentation - additionally a link if anyone wants to learn more.
Please feel free to email (info@sudoroom.org) if you have questions or concerns about this event or 5MoF in general.
2. Chris Jefferies - raspberry pis, auto-wifi raspian, xbee radios, wemos D1mini radios, node-red, MQTT, graphite/grafana, hubot/rocket.chat
3. Eran - CENX4 - A completely open, modular MIDI controller platform
4. Mitar - What is Intel SGX and how you can secure your JavaScript using my new package.
5. juul - [fread.ink https://fread.ink/] - Building a free and open source alternate operating system for electronic paper ebook readers.
6. Jake - Buck converters, how do they work?
8. Captain Morgan - Making flexible circuits
9. Robb - Prof-quality open source event live streaming
10. User:Romyilano - My project to build a healthy eating tool through cartoon characters that interact with your environment.