
Revision as of 10:23, 13 August 2013 by Juul (talk | contribs)


Freifunk has a web app called meshkit for generating images.

Meshkit takes a strange approach. From the readme file:

Meshkit itself just writes a uci config file and stores it in
/etc/config/meshkwizard in the resulting firmware image. The actual
configuration is done by meshwizard, which uses community profiles
and the settings from meshkit to configure the device at first boot after
the device has been flashed.

While I understand why community profiles would be a good idea, it seems odd that the configuration would happen on the device. Why not generate all of the required configuration before generating the image? That way you save a bit of space and an extra reboot of the device.

wlan slovenija

wlan slovenija has a firmware generator tool. Here are some links:

Some relevant code from

      buildString = 'make image FILES="../files" PROFILE="%s" PACKAGES="policy-routing olsrd uhttpd tc nodewatcher-core nodewatcher-clients ntpclient hostapd -ppp -ppp-mod-pppoe -wpad-mini kmod-l2tp kmod-l2tp-ip kmod-l2tp-eth tunneldigger wireless-tools qos-scripts %s"' % (profile_map[self.portLayout], pkgs)