Brief Description

Brief Description

Would be great to have a succinct, yet comprehensive definition of the space for the front page:

Sudo Room is an open membership, non-hierarchical, collaborative community of people who are interested in working towards social change. Our goal is to create an inclusive, dedicated hackerspace in downtown Oakland, and to collaborate on ideas and projects in citizen science, digital citizenship and literacy, environmental sustainability, community engagement, and self-government. Sudo Room is committed to access, empowerment, transparency and public good. Sudoers have a great diversity of interests and we emphasize respect and solidarity among ourselves and with others.
Matt (talk)23:24, 27 February 2014

I like that one! That was the one I was looking for :)

can someone put the definition of hacking that we use on here so, people don't get lulz-blackbagged for de lulzbankaccounts oldworldparadigm bull-shit?

EM Che (talk)19:41, 1 March 2014