[Mesh] wlan slovenija is participating in GSoC

Mitar mitar at tnode.com
Tue Feb 25 18:37:19 PST 2014


wlan slovenija is participating in Google Summer of Code this year as
well. Under the umbrella of Freifunk network.


Google Summer of Code is a Google-sponsored program where Google
stipends students working for a summer job on an open source projects
from all around the world. Student is paid $5000 (and a t-shirt!) for
approximately two months of work/contribution to the project. Student
should submit a proposal of his idea of contribution, for which some
suggested ideas can be used as a basis.

List of possible ideas:


Applications open March 10 and close March 21. If you are a student and
would like to apply, now is the time to start thinking about this. Feel
free to ask any questions you might have. This is a great way to become
more involved with development of technologies used in our networks.



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