[sudo-discuss] "Empathy for Computer Scientist" - A tutorial-essay.

Maximilian Klein isalix at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 11:00:34 PDT 2015

Dearest Sudoers,

I've been writing a piece called "The Universal Empathy Machine: Nonviolent
Communication Explained with Mathematics and Computer Science"
<http://notconfusing.com/universal-empathy-machine/> <
http://notconfusing.com/universal-empathy-machine/>, and I'd be curious to
get your feedback on it because if you're on this list you're an exemplary
of my target audience. It's intended for the intersection of people who
love machines and logic, and care about good communication. Here's an

> 0. The Universal Empathy Machine
> Empathy is not sympathy. What’s the difference? Think of the Universal
> Turing Machine <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Turing_machine>.
> It is a machine that accepts a program and data, and runs that program on
> that data. In this way it can simulate all programs on all data. Let us
> think of a human as a program and human experience as data. *Sympathy
> then, is running your program on someone else’s data. Empathy is running
> their program on their data.* As you can see the results of the sympathy
> and empathy computations are not guaranteed to be identical. In a nutshell
> Nonviolent Communication is about becoming the Universal Empathy Machine,
> to be able to emulate the architecture of an arbitrary person given an
> arbitrary experience.

Make a great day,
Max Klein ‽ http://notconfusing.com/
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