Mesh/03 Oct 2017

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Peoples Open Meeting - Oct. 03, 2017


  • marc - haven't done anyting interesting in the past week
  • Mai - has been here the last few weeks
  • Sierk - doesn't have any updates
  • Robb - newish to group, took apart nodes from monkeybrainz
  • Scott - been workin on disaster radio circuit boards, was using wrong dev board :(
  • Jenny - working on 1023 app, put notes on riseup pad! if you wanna help -
  • grant - sleeping in hammock in past week. been working on hammock driven design? my back is great and my mind is functioning
  • Daniel - i'm daniel
  • Grey - i've been to sudo mesh before. been to freifunk meeting ~3 years ago. i like routing and networks
  • Bullitt - i'm bullitt. i thought about making portable nodes and spoke to lead from mitar. i could invest some time into making a housing for batteries
  • Radamés - came for byoi. i teach. today i did a class with youth radio and talked about decentralized web and mentioned sudo mesh. teaching coding / data journalism
  • Jehan - i'm jehan. i was fixing my little incentivized mesh node raspberry pi during byoi. going to wispapalooza next week. today was taking apart nanobridges for storage using PB Blaster



  • going to WISPapooloza in Las Vegas, is still waiting for Skywalker Signature Series Chimney Mounts to arrive, got them gift-wrapped?
  • WISP(Wireless ISP(Internet Service Provider) in rural areas are culturally different from urban WISPs


  • we have a node on EFF, actually two nodes, not connected to the internet, but could be a good relay point. EFF HQ, Van Ness and Eddy.

mozilla grants

disaster radio

  • juul recruited 2 new people for Disaster Radio, to help with design / documentation
  • Science Hack Day in SF on October 14th & 15th - sign up if you want to come and work on Disaster Radio - - plan to crunch on the Mozilla app for Disaster Radio due 11/15
  • nic working on drone-mountability; designed a mounting setup for automatically attaching a disasterradio to a pole; working on getting Autodesk to finance a drone that would be sufficient to use for this

noisebridge node

  • bullitt: can't see or log in to the public network @ nb
  • will try turning it off and on again
  • should re-aim the mission st-facing node to distribute better signal down the street

1023 app

new server

  • marc: setting up a second hard drive for ?? - trying to have it ready by this weekend


  • marc's quote was for ~$1000/mo for permission to mount our gear on their roof and utilize their fiber.
  • dav's quote was $2-3000, but to aim their gear to his place. different location up near the hills.
  • bullit - will talk to the coops again
  • discreet possibility the main location could see the roof of the unitarian universalist church (1 block north & east)

node mount

  • Dev's place in the hills - 1 Canyon Road, Berkeley - meet @ omni @ 1pm
  • roof photos:
  • bullitt will coordinate
  • jenny: can it see chrisj's node in kensington?


  • rad: how to convince people who are non-technical to join?
    • free vpn
    • share one ISP connection with neighbors instead of each having their own
    • resiliency of networks
    • intranet communications
    • easy to share with guests - already open network, no password
    • extend existing connection (eg to cover back of house or backyard)
    • more use cases:
      • plz add more!!

breakout groups

  • pb blaster - jehan / robb / grant
  • bylaws / bureaucracy - mai / jenny

action items