Mesh/23 January 2014
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- Jenny, Marc, Jeremey, Matt, Maxb, Daniel, Deekoo, Luis, Robert, Jacob, Gaurav, Lesley, Chris
- Robert is a front end dev fellow!
- Leslie does interaction design!
- Jenny does a lot of documentation, but wants to start focusing on community outreach, etc.
- We have a blog!
- There's a Coursera computer networking class that started two weeks ago. We're trying to get together to study together. The class meets Thursday at 6:30 at sudoroom as well as on on freenode
- Design for the splash page / captive portal [Leslie?]
- Feedback on the wiki's info architecture [New folks]
- Mesh topology diagram needed for promo video. Example: ** Jeremy is on it!
- Generally infographics would be rad
- Promotional material for individual mesh units -Robert to design
- Business cards [Jenny]
- Stickers [Leslie / Marc]
- Add screenshots and more graphic elements to design page for mocking up new pages, etc (Matt)
- Take on sticker task, Marc Juul will write documentation on the wiki for this, it can be done asyncronously (Lesley)
Action Items
- Max is going to try to find out a way to share the videos for non-enrolled folks - Maxb put all of the coursera resources on to the sudo space file server
- Redesign network topology infographic [Jeremy]
- Email intro Jacob to Hilary Naylor, spaghettinight, OPL [Jenny]
Gratuitous Link Dump
- Check out the community Wireless Netoworks in the Developing World book:‎
- French meta-networks site:
- Decentralized database of CWNs (Community Wireless Networks):
- Municipal Broadband Networks: