Mesh/30 December 2014

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Jenny, Alex. Marc, April


  • In a few months the firmware might/should be ready. If we sprinted for a few days, we'd make significant progress. Let's organize a weekend retreat.
    • We can use the retreat to map out what we'd like to accomplish in the next year. It would be useful.
    • Should be a closed group of people working regularly to ensure focus and productivity
  • We need an uplink that we can experiment with. We should explore our options, shooting for a free one. Still, we can pool a group together to pay for an uplink to eventually upgrade.
  • We need to seek more funding. Folks want to work on this more, and we can find a way to enable that. Updating wiki/public face is part of this project, but that's not a heavy load.
  • We are not at a stage yet where we need to do outreach to community partner/anchor organizations.
    • When we are there, we should 1) map our outreach list and 2) have a convincing info packet.
    • This could be possible in the Spring. Time flies. Let's prep.
  • Let's run civiCRM.
  • Let's try to mount antennas every Sunday afternoon.
  • Some folks have started reading Digital Dead End by Virginia Eubanks; it sounds awesome.
  • We need more volunteers to help with graphics, grants, etc, but we should be careful with who we bring in because constantly bringing folks up to speed makes the project lag
  • Map FCC database of tower locations in the Easy Bay (Alex)
  • Max is exploring some project management options April is very interested in this.
  • Wikipages on firmware and to-do list need some attention. The later speaks to a larger need to map out what we are working on currently and where we want to be in the near and far future. This could be a part of the retreat.
  • Reserving the mezzanine space for future meeting to help focus


The landlord does not want anything mounted on the Omni roof. Marc has been talking to him and has proposed that we use sandbags instead.

Action Items

  • Research a list of uplink options
    • drawing from the map that Marc made and put it on the wiki [1] (April)
    • find the person who is a shill for co-location facilities in the East Bay who amazingly offered an uplink gratis at one point. Search notes (April)
    • Reopen conversation with the Internet Archive about linking to their tower (Jenny)
  • Apply for grants and other funding asap, update: (everyone, April)
  • Find a two-three day block in January for a retreat. Marc will send a scheduling poll soon.
    • Discussed either Max's or April's places. (April recommends a pal's cabin 2 hrs east)
  • Marc is trying to get batman firmware working
  • Alex will map the FCC's tower data
  • Max is ramping up some dev-work, he reports
  • Relink the wiki on the website?
  • Jenny will pen a blogpost
  • Set up a CRM (April)
  • Meeting on Sunday at Omni at 2pm to mount on Will M's roof! Who's next? April's marina?
  • likely no meeting this Thursday b/c it's 2015. welcome to another year.*