Network Scanner

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Network scanner

The HP 9100C network scanner!

Located next to sudoshroom.

The network scanner


  • Color
  • PDF output to network file server
  • Automatic document feeder
  • Flatbed scanning (lift up the top)
  • Semi-automatic duplex
  • Automatic OCR (experimental)


  1. If the display doesn't say "hp digital sender 9100c", then click the red button once or twice until it does say "hp digital sender 9100c".
  2. Press the "PC" button. It's the second button under the display.
  3. It will ask you to type your name, but don't do that. Press the down button to the right of the display and it should say "SUDOROOM".
  4. Select duplex or non-duplex mode with the button below the red button.
  5. Put the documents in the feeder, the side you want scanned up, or lift the top of the scanner and put your document on the flat bed.
  6. Press the green button and scanning will start.
  7. If you're using duplex or the flatbed, then follow the instructions on the screen, otherwise you're done.

About 20 seconds after scanning is done, a PDF will appear in the SCANNED directory of the file server. The filename will be the date and time of the scan.

Another PDF file will appear in the SCANNED_OCR directory. This is the same PDF but with search'able / copy'able text. The quality of the existing open source text recognition software is honestly not that great, but it's still pretty usable for searching large documents.

You can learn how to access the file server on the file server wiki page.

BSD / Linux

A BSD and Linux install exists for the ScanJet 4 and ScanJet 5, but not for the ScanJet 6 or HP 9100C (which is apparently a different name for the ScanJet 6). We've already tried it, and it didn't work. The hardware is different and it would probably be a lot of work to get BSD or Linux running on this thing.


Juul (talk) has a backup of the original harddrive contents so we can put in a new harddrive if the current old 4.3 gig harddrive fails.

How it works

How it is intended to work

The scanner supports three methods: Email, PC and JetDirect. Email requires an external SMTP server and takes a bunch of typing of email addresses on the small keyboard. PC requires a proprietary daemon and I assume JetDirect is even more proprietary bullshit.

For the PC option this it how it's supposed to work:

You use a windows program called the Address Book Manager to add PC's to the list of PC's on the scanner.

In order to send to a PC, that PC needs to be running a little proprietary windows daemon that receives the PDF and asks you what to do with it.

This software is available from the HP website, and Juul (talk) has a copy.

How it works

A single PC called SUDOROOM was added using the Address Book Manager run through Wine. It worked fine.

The SUDOROOM PC is actually also known as space.local or space.sudo. This machine runs a open source ruby daemon called nsjtpd which was reverse engineered from the proprietary windows daemon.

When someone sends a scan to SUDOROOM, the pdf is received by space.sudo and placed in the file server's SCANNED directory.

Don't use the email option. The email server _is_ configured but only accepts emails for @space.sudo. It'd be awesome to allow any email address, but I (Juul (talk)) am concerned about having an open mail relay on a LAN with a open wifi.

Password reset

There is currently no admin password set. If someone annoyingly sets one, then do this:

  • Hold Shift + Alt + Duplex
This will bring up the self test menu
  • Type "erase password please"
You will then see a message that says "Do you really want to erase the administrator password?"
  • Press OK and the password is erased