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* Chat with us on [https://peoplesopen.net/chat RocketChat], the #peoplesopen channel in [https://www.scuttlebutt.nz/ Secure Scuttlebutt], or on [http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html IRC]: [http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=peoplesopen.net #peoplesopen.net] (see also [[IRC | IRC Intro]])
* Chat with us on [https://peoplesopen.net/chat RocketChat], the #peoplesopen channel in [https://www.scuttlebutt.nz/ Secure Scuttlebutt], or on [http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html IRC]: [http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=peoplesopen.net #peoplesopen.net] (see also [[IRC | IRC Intro]])
* Join the [http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/mesh email list]
* Join the [http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/mesh email list]
* We have weekly meetings every Tuesday <s>from 7:30-9pm at [[Getting_there|sudo room]]</s> from [https://meet.jit.si/sudomesh2020 8-9pm via Jitsi]. We have focus groups and collaborate on different parts of the project - from [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda design] to [https://github.com/sudomesh software development], documentation to hardware hacking, [https://sudorom.org/wiki/Mesh/SFBayArea community outreach] and [https://github.com/sudomesh/mounting/blob/master/PONIprogram.md climbing rooftops to mount nodes]!
* We have weekly meetings every Tuesday <s>from 7:30-9pm at [[Getting_there|sudo room]]</s> from [https://meet.jit.si/sudomesh2020 8-9pm via Jitsi]. We have focus groups and collaborate on different parts of the project - from [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda design] and events, to [https://github.com/sudomesh software development], documentation, hardware hacking, [https://sudorom.org/wiki/Mesh/SFBayArea community outreach] and [https://github.com/sudomesh/mounting/blob/master/PONIprogram.md climbing rooftops to mount nodes and distributing hotspots to encampments]!  
* Come to our weekly Tuesday meetings in <s>[[Getting_there|sudo room]]</s> cyberspace. The quarantine format is much more relaxed, and we welcome newcomers! <s>The first three Tuesdays of the month are hack nights where we work (often in parallel) on everything from pamphlets to maps to code. This is a good opportunity to find someone familiar with the ins and outs and ask questions. The last Tuesday of the month is a more structured recap meeting, where we follow an agenda, get updates on what progress was made in the last month, and plan for the next month.</s>
* We generally collaborate on [https://peoplesopen.net/notes notes] at each meeting. Look at our archive of past [[Mesh/Minutes|meeting minutes]]!
* We generally collaborate on [https://peoplesopen.net/notes notes] at each meeting. Look at our archive of past [[Mesh/Minutes|meeting minutes]]!
* Contribute to the network by installing a mesh node at your location using our handy [https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh/WalkThrough Mesh Node Setup Walkthrough]. This is especially helpful for those who are within range of an existing node (seen as a wireless SSID named "peoplesopen.net").
* Contribute to the network by installing a mesh node at your location using our handy [https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh/WalkThrough Mesh Node Setup Walkthrough]. This is especially helpful for those who are within range of an existing node (seen as a wireless SSID named "peoplesopen.net").
*Check out our [[Mesh/ToDos|ToDo list]]
* Check out our [[Mesh/ToDos|ToDo list]]
*Support us with a small monthly donation on [https://www.patreon.com/peoplesopennet Patreon], here's [[Mesh/Purchases|how we spend it]].
* Support us with a small monthly donation on [https://www.patreon.com/peoplesopennet Patreon], here's [[Mesh/Purchases|how we spend it]].
*Send bitcoins to our wallet address: {{bitcoin wallet}}
* Send bitcoins to our wallet address: {{bitcoin wallet}}
*Check out our [[Mesh/Wishlist|wishlist]], we have requests!  
* Check out our [[Mesh/Wishlist|wishlist]], we have requests!  
*Improve our documentation
* Improve our documentation
*Talk to your community about joining the mesh - here are some [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda resources] for doing so!
* Talk to your community about joining the mesh - here are some [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda resources] for doing so!
* Follow us on [https://twitter.com/sudomesh twitter] and like us on [https://www.facebook.com/sudomesh facebook].
* Follow us on [https://twitter.com/sudomesh twitter] and like us on [https://www.facebook.com/sudomesh facebook].



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