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*31 August 2013 - [https://www.facebook.com/events/496768177081653/?notif_t=plan_user_joined Information Day]
= Slides =
**Where: Sudo Room
Here are some presentation materials that can be used to talk to communities and schools.
**Presenters: Jenny, Juul
<gallery caption="Presentation" widths="180px" heights="120px" perrow="3">
**Format: 30-minute long presentation + questions
**Link to Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3V1xv9XoE0&feature=share&t=1h24m48s
*2-4 October 2013 - [http://2013.wirelesssummit.org International Summit for Community Wireless Networks]
**Where: c-base in Berlin, Germany
**Presenters: Jenny
**Format: Women in Wireless Networking (panel); Coalition-Building for Community Wireless Networks (facilitated gift circle)
*26 October 2013 - [http://eastbayanarchist.com/ East Bay Anarchist Bookfair]
**Presenters: Jeremy, Juul, Jenny
**Format: Sudo Room/BAPS table with poster describing People's Open Network  
=Past Presentations=
*12 December 2013 - Professor Sameer Verda's Wireless Networking class for Business students
==[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-your-own-internet-workshop-tickets-32460849274 Build Your Own Internet Workshop v5]==
**Where: San Francisco State University - Business Building
*Where: Omni Commons
**Presenters: Jenny, Matt
*Date: 18 March 2017
**Format: 45-minute long presentation + questions from students
*Format: 3 short talks followed by interactive workshops on cable crimping, node mounting, cow&chicken demo, TCP postcards - and with t-shirt screenprinting and swag stations!
**Link to Video: [on the way!]
* Takeaways:
** What went well? (Strength)
*** able to reuse lots of booths and printed matter from previous BYOIs
*** (jorrit) relaxed atmosphere with many conversations happening
*** (jorrit) hands-on actities are fun!
*** (jorrit) food was super-yummy
*** jenny: great to have nico's perspective from the global south & as longtime community networks participant in the larger global community of CWNs
*** jenny: the shirts were hella awesome
**What to do better? (Weakness)
*** demographic (mostly male, mostly white)
*** stack of pre-flashed routers for sale
*** (jorrit) provide more specific things that folks can do after the workshop - how to participate beyond the workshop
*** (jorrit) show more examples of how peoplesopen is making a difference (learn, share, build etc)
*** jenny: more targeted outreach further from the date
*** jenny: don't think we got a lot of devsummit attendees - the idea to make this BYOI more informal and partylike, at a later time, wuz a good 'un & we should do that for future post-confs (or coordinate with organizers to make an omni shindig one of their evening network/chillage events)
*** jenny: realized just after i handed off the mic that i should've passed it to all in attendance to hear at least who was present and what they were excited about or had questions/curiousity abut. in short: more gunner-style facilitation! :D
**What did we forget?
*** nametags
*** pass-the-mic intros for all participants
*** advertising more than a week in advance
***Q-n-A after the presentations....
*** agenda and better-facilitated/stewarded front greeting desk
** What to do next time?  
*** (jorrit) Share/build a byoi "cook book" so folks can recycle recipes/ activities - started a drafty draft at https://github.com/buildyourowninternet/buildyourowninternet.github.io/blob/master/workshop.md
*** jenny:  give every attendee at the bat a "doggy bag" of nametag, zine, button/sticker/shirt aka swag, program/agenda and optional home node
==[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-your-own-internet-workshop-tickets-32460849274 Mesh the Planet! Unconference]==
*Where: Omni Commons
*Date: 4 August 2018
*Format: Unconference
== Decentralized Web Summit ==
* Where: Internet Archive, San Francisco, CA
* Date: 1 August 2018
* Format: Lightning Talk
* Presenter: Lesley
* [https://www.decentralizedweb.net/videos/lightning-talks-new-discoveries-session-5/ Link to Video] - Starts at 16:30
== [https://ournetworks.ca/ Our Networks] ==
* Where: Toronto, Canada
* Date: 14 July 2018
* Format: Presentation
* Presenters: Grant & Jenny
* [https://archive.org/details/ournetworks2018/Our_Networks_2018_Our_Stable_Networks_by_Grant_Gallo_and_Jenny_Ryan_720p.mp4 Link to Video]
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/blob/master/presentations/2018-07-14-Our-Networks.md Link to Slides]
==[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-your-own-internet-v4-workshop-and-panel-diy-community-networks-tickets-39566902671# Build Your Own Internet Workshop v4]==
*Where: Omni Commons
*Date: 27 January 2018
*Format: Guest speaker panel followed by hands-on workshops.
* [https://peoplesopen.net/byoi4 Link to recorded livestream]
* Takeaways:
** What went well? (Strength)
***  mai - panel discussion, informed audience, able to talk to panelist afterward, program
***  benny - surprised by the number of people, volume
***  grant - food, coffee, mingling
***  blake - the propaganda was good, zines, program,  etc
***  mai - signs
***  lesley - amount of people was great
***  jorrit - expands our ability to work well together as a group
***  mai - music to kill time and set the mood~
***  mai - outreach and publication in East Bay Express, SF Funcheap, etc
** What to do better? (Weakness)
***  lesley - disappointed that teacher with students and parents weren't there
***  lesley - "white nerdy"
***  grant -  number of volunteers committed to each table wasn't great
***  grant - community connection, confusing messaging, little practical application
***  mai - messaging is very much connected to the lack of diversity in participants
***  jorrit - turn people who show up into teachers
***  mai - make more donation pitches
** What to do next time? (Opportunities)
***  get more volunteer committment
*** event planning day before the event itself
***  make broader than connectivity, what do people what go to the internet for
***  collect stories of people in Oakland, not just about pipes, also about content
***  have more clarity of roles
***  get people excited to take ownership rather than having everything decided at meetings
***  but discussions and concensus at meetings is important for some issues
***  firmer protocols? more precedence?
***  instructions at each table, for things people can do on their own after table host gives spiel
***  do it somewhere else to attract different communities/participants
***  find a partnership with another organization - messaging and planning would happen with them / re-think our messaging
***  we should pick a date soon, as a target to work towards
** Threats
***  Jorrit - burn out
***  lesley - culture issues, how responsibility is delegated, when to do things, what is necessary, what isn't
***  jorrit - too many meetings? vague expectations?
***  blake - level of excitement, frustration after investing a lot of time
***  mai - connected to how we work as an org, people who put in a lot of but don't get feedback or acknowledgement
***  blake - over-ligating roles?
== RiotCon ==
* Where: East Bay Community Space, Oakland, CA
* Date: 20 January 2018
* Presenter: Jorrit
* Format: Informal presentation
==[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-your-own-internet-workshop-v3-tickets-36134206384# Build Your Own Internet Workshop v3]==
*Where: Omni Commons
*Date: 23 September 2017
*Format: Workshop w/ hands-on learning stations
==[https://air.mozilla.org/nsf-wins-bay-area-meet-up/ NSF WINS Bay Area Meet-Up]==
* Where: Mozilla Community Space
* Date: 25 July 2017
* Presenter: juul
* Format: Panel
* [https://air.mozilla.org/nsf-wins-bay-area-meet-up/ Link to Recorded Livestream]
==[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-your-own-internet-workshop-2-tickets-35686390956# Build Your Own Internet Workshop v2]==
*Where: Omni Commons
*Date: 1 July 2017
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/tree/master/presentations Slides available here (+ extended/uncut/hackable version)]
* Takeaways:
** setup better on the floor?
** table/pew layout gave more natural flow around the ballroom
*** maybe next workshop could be more of a project update instead of a welcome to the mesh?
** enjoyed the simplicity, pretty much 1~2 slides per speaker, very cool!
** solid turnout, ~headcount: more than 20 (based on Daniel's photo)
** really liked the "non-Q&A" Q&A
*** put focus more on doing and interacting instead of power and posturing
** chat/hack stations
*** kick-ass lego signage
*** door? lots of SWAG, awesome stickers, donations? square?
*** crimping?
*** wave propagation?
*** garden mesh?
**** wish I could have soldered some headers -grant
** semi-successful node flashing (4 nodes sold + 1 given away)
** people kept showing up (how many people said they came after the talks?)
** had feel more of an open-house hack session
*** idea for next time? legit hack-session/hackathon with midday break for talks/food/chatting?
** people hanging out until almost 6pm!
== [ BattleMesh v10] ==
* Where: Vienna, Austra
* Date: 10 June 2017
* Presenters: [[User:Juul]]
* Format: Presentation
* [https://peoplesopen.net/battlemesh10 Link to Video]
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/blob/master/presentations/2017-06-10_BattlemeshV10_DisasterRadio_Presentation_hackable.odp Link to Slides]
==[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-your-own-internet-workshop-tickets-32460849274 Build Your Own Internet Workshop v1]==
*Where: Omni Commons
*Date: 18 March 2017
*Format: 3 short talks followed by interactive workshops on cable crimping, node mounting, link propagation, babeld lab
* [https://www.periscope.tv/w/1BdxYPRlvwQJX Link to Livestream]
* Takeaways:
** The ethernet cable guide wallet-size cards w/ paperclips were a hit!
==[http://birdhouseartcollective.com/workshops/2016/2/23/april-29-open-engagement-conference Omni Commons Fair]==
*Where: The Omni
*Date: 30 April 2016
* Presenters: Jenny
* Format: Table
* [https://www.facebook.com/events/1019941721421475/ Link to event page]
==[http://symbiosisgathering.com Symbiosis Festival]==
* Where: Oakdale, CA
*Date: 19 September 2015
* Presenters: Marc & Jenny
* Format: Panel w/ EFF and Open Whisper Systems
* [https://www.eff.org/event/hacker-qa Link to event page] and [http://symbiosisgathering.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/schedule-03-saturday.jpg Symbiosis schedule]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20150918002452/http://symbiosisgathering.com:80/workshops/jenny-ryan/ Jenny Bio]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20150918002502/http://symbiosisgathering.com:80/workshops/marc-juul/ Marc Bio]
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/presentations/2015-09-19_Symbiosis_Panel.pdf Link to slides]
* Takeaways: Awesome to present with our friends @ EFF and OWS, though turnout was less than we'd hope (likely given our timeslot: 8pm on Saturday night). The organizers of Symbiosis are working to evolve the culture toward more of an "open university" model, which would be a good niche for us to do outreach in the future.
==The Future of the Internet After Net Neutrality: A Learning Session==
* Where: San Francisco City Hall
* Date: 30 April 2015
* Presenters: Jenny & Marc
* Format: Talk followed by various breakout sessions
* [https://www.facebook.com/events/768765033237861/ Link to FB event page] and [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-future-of-the-internet-after-net-neutrality-a-learning-session-tickets-16226470811# Eventbrite page]
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/presentations/2015-04-30_SF_CityHall_Presentation.pdf Link to slides]
==Open Source Bridge==
* Where: Portland, OR
*Date: 26 June 2014
* Presenters: Jenny, Marc, Mitar (wlan-sloveia), Russell (Personal Telco Project), and Isaac Wilder (Kansas City Freedom Network)
* Format: Panel w/ Sudo Mesh, wlan-slovenia, Personal Telco Project, and Kansas City Freedom Network
* [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1418 Link to event page]
* [http://opensourcebridge.org/wiki/2014/From_the_Bottom_Up%3A_Building_Community-Owned_and_-Operated_Mesh_Networks Session Notes]
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/presentations/2014-06-25_OSBridge_Presentation.pdf Link to slides]
==Five Minutes of Shame==
*Where: Internet Archive
*Date: 22 February 2014
*Presenters: Jenny & Matt
*Format: 5-minute pitch about the project + Q&A
*Takeaways: Someone has over 100 VoIP adapters they will donate to the project if they're useful! Jesse mentioned that mischief had gotten one of the donated Meraki Sparkys working, so we're following up on that. Josh is developing a file-sharing system that may be useful in the mesh. We tailored the talk to developers in an effort to recruit :-)
==Mass Effect==
*Where: Sudo Room
*Date: 10 January 2014
*Presenters: Jenny
*Format: 5-minute pitch about the project + Q&A
* [https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mass_effect#January_10th Link to event page]
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/presentations/2014_PeoplesOpen_ShortSlidedeck.pdf Link to slides]
*Takeaways: Rad to be part of an awesome event connecting various East Bay collectives and projects to one another.
==[http://eastbayanarchist.com/ East Bay Anarchist Bookfair]==
*Where: Humanist Hall in Oakland, CA
*Date: 26 October 2013
*Presenters: Jeremy, Juul, Jenny
*Format: Sudo Room/BAPS table with poster describing People's Open Network  
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/presentations/2013-10-2_CommunityWirelessSummit_Poster.jpg Link to poster]
*Takeaways: Got some new folks interested and put on the map!
==Professor Sameer Verda's Wireless Networking class for Business students==
*Where: San Francisco State University - Business Building
*Date: 12 December 2013
*Presenters: Jenny, Matt
*Format: 45-minute long presentation + questions from students
* [https://peoplesopen.net/sfsu2013 Link to Video]
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/presentations/2013-12-13_SFSU_Presentation.pdf Link to Slides]
**Student feedback:
***Concerns over security; inspired a potential community mesh deployment in a cul-de-sac!.
**Discussion w/ Sameer:
***Student internships and Independent study with Sudo Mesh! (3 units) - pay?,
***Wants to work on 802.11s - cheap USB hardware devices, LibraryBox/PirateBox, Internet-in-a-Box.
***Wants to have us return and give a presentation to a campus-wide Open Source group.
***Potential for course projects and coursework in Sameer's classes in the future
==[http://devsummit.aspirationtech.org/index.php?title=2013_Agenda Nonprofit Tech Summit / DevSummit]==
*Where: Preservation Park in Oakland, CA
*Date: 18-20 November 2013
*Presenters: Jenny, Matt, MaxB
*Format: 'Speed-Geeking' table, 5-minute pitches + Q&A repeated about a dozen times =)
*Takeaways: Fine-tuned our pitch! and connected to some great folks, such as Niels and Tomas who've built networks in North Africa and helped write [http://wndw.net Wireless Networking in the Developing World]! See also the [http://devsummit.aspirationtech.org/index.php?title=Community_Wireless_Networks notes from the Community Wireless Networks session].
==[http://2013.wirelesssummit.org International Summit for Community Wireless Networks]==
*Where: c-base in Berlin, Germany
*Date: 2-4 October 2013
*Presenters: Jenny
*Format: [[Women in Wireless Networking]] (panel); [[Coalition-Building for Community Wireless Networks]] (facilitated gift circle)
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/presentations/2013-10-2_CommunityWirelessSummit_Poster.jpg Link to poster]
==[https://www.facebook.com/events/496768177081653/?notif_t=plan_user_joined Information Day]==
*Where: Sudo Room
*Date: 31 August 2013
*Presenters: Jenny, Juul
*Format: 30-minute long presentation + questions
* [https://peoplesopen.net/infoday2013 Link to Video]
* [https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/presentations/2013-08-31_InformationDay_Presentation.pdf Link to Slides]

Latest revision as of 22:11, 25 November 2018


Here are some presentation materials that can be used to talk to communities and schools.

Past Presentations

Build Your Own Internet Workshop v5

  • Where: Omni Commons
  • Date: 18 March 2017
  • Format: 3 short talks followed by interactive workshops on cable crimping, node mounting, cow&chicken demo, TCP postcards - and with t-shirt screenprinting and swag stations!
  • Takeaways:
    • What went well? (Strength)
      • able to reuse lots of booths and printed matter from previous BYOIs
      • (jorrit) relaxed atmosphere with many conversations happening
      • (jorrit) hands-on actities are fun!
      • (jorrit) food was super-yummy
      • jenny: great to have nico's perspective from the global south & as longtime community networks participant in the larger global community of CWNs
      • jenny: the shirts were hella awesome
    • What to do better? (Weakness)
      • demographic (mostly male, mostly white)
      • stack of pre-flashed routers for sale
      • (jorrit) provide more specific things that folks can do after the workshop - how to participate beyond the workshop
      • (jorrit) show more examples of how peoplesopen is making a difference (learn, share, build etc)
      • jenny: more targeted outreach further from the date
      • jenny: don't think we got a lot of devsummit attendees - the idea to make this BYOI more informal and partylike, at a later time, wuz a good 'un & we should do that for future post-confs (or coordinate with organizers to make an omni shindig one of their evening network/chillage events)
      • jenny: realized just after i handed off the mic that i should've passed it to all in attendance to hear at least who was present and what they were excited about or had questions/curiousity abut. in short: more gunner-style facilitation! :D
    • What did we forget?
      • nametags
      • pass-the-mic intros for all participants
      • advertising more than a week in advance
      • Q-n-A after the presentations....
      • agenda and better-facilitated/stewarded front greeting desk
    • What to do next time?

Mesh the Planet! Unconference

  • Where: Omni Commons
  • Date: 4 August 2018
  • Format: Unconference

Decentralized Web Summit

  • Where: Internet Archive, San Francisco, CA
  • Date: 1 August 2018
  • Format: Lightning Talk
  • Presenter: Lesley
  • Link to Video - Starts at 16:30

Our Networks

Build Your Own Internet Workshop v4

  • Where: Omni Commons
  • Date: 27 January 2018
  • Format: Guest speaker panel followed by hands-on workshops.
  • Link to recorded livestream
  • Takeaways:
    • What went well? (Strength)
      • mai - panel discussion, informed audience, able to talk to panelist afterward, program
      • benny - surprised by the number of people, volume
      • grant - food, coffee, mingling
      • blake - the propaganda was good, zines, program, etc
      • mai - signs
      • lesley - amount of people was great
      • jorrit - expands our ability to work well together as a group
      • mai - music to kill time and set the mood~
      • mai - outreach and publication in East Bay Express, SF Funcheap, etc
    • What to do better? (Weakness)
      • lesley - disappointed that teacher with students and parents weren't there
      • lesley - "white nerdy"
      • grant - number of volunteers committed to each table wasn't great
      • grant - community connection, confusing messaging, little practical application
      • mai - messaging is very much connected to the lack of diversity in participants
      • jorrit - turn people who show up into teachers
      • mai - make more donation pitches
    • What to do next time? (Opportunities)
      • get more volunteer committment
      • event planning day before the event itself
      • make broader than connectivity, what do people what go to the internet for
      • collect stories of people in Oakland, not just about pipes, also about content
      • have more clarity of roles
      • get people excited to take ownership rather than having everything decided at meetings
      • but discussions and concensus at meetings is important for some issues
      • firmer protocols? more precedence?
      • instructions at each table, for things people can do on their own after table host gives spiel
      • do it somewhere else to attract different communities/participants
      • find a partnership with another organization - messaging and planning would happen with them / re-think our messaging
      • we should pick a date soon, as a target to work towards
    • Threats
      • Jorrit - burn out
      • lesley - culture issues, how responsibility is delegated, when to do things, what is necessary, what isn't
      • jorrit - too many meetings? vague expectations?
      • blake - level of excitement, frustration after investing a lot of time
      • mai - connected to how we work as an org, people who put in a lot of but don't get feedback or acknowledgement
      • blake - over-ligating roles?


  • Where: East Bay Community Space, Oakland, CA
  • Date: 20 January 2018
  • Presenter: Jorrit
  • Format: Informal presentation

Build Your Own Internet Workshop v3

  • Where: Omni Commons
  • Date: 23 September 2017
  • Format: Workshop w/ hands-on learning stations

NSF WINS Bay Area Meet-Up

Build Your Own Internet Workshop v2

  • Where: Omni Commons
  • Date: 1 July 2017
  • Slides available here (+ extended/uncut/hackable version)
  • Format:
  • Takeaways:
    • setup better on the floor?
    • table/pew layout gave more natural flow around the ballroom
      • maybe next workshop could be more of a project update instead of a welcome to the mesh?
    • enjoyed the simplicity, pretty much 1~2 slides per speaker, very cool!
    • solid turnout, ~headcount: more than 20 (based on Daniel's photo)
    • really liked the "non-Q&A" Q&A
      • put focus more on doing and interacting instead of power and posturing
    • chat/hack stations
      • kick-ass lego signage
      • door? lots of SWAG, awesome stickers, donations? square?
      • crimping?
      • wave propagation?
      • garden mesh?
        • wish I could have soldered some headers -grant
    • semi-successful node flashing (4 nodes sold + 1 given away)
    • people kept showing up (how many people said they came after the talks?)
    • had feel more of an open-house hack session
      • idea for next time? legit hack-session/hackathon with midday break for talks/food/chatting?
    • people hanging out until almost 6pm!

[ BattleMesh v10]

Build Your Own Internet Workshop v1

  • Where: Omni Commons
  • Date: 18 March 2017
  • Format: 3 short talks followed by interactive workshops on cable crimping, node mounting, link propagation, babeld lab
  • Link to Livestream
  • Takeaways:
    • The ethernet cable guide wallet-size cards w/ paperclips were a hit!

Omni Commons Fair

Symbiosis Festival

  • Where: Oakdale, CA
  • Date: 19 September 2015
  • Presenters: Marc & Jenny
  • Format: Panel w/ EFF and Open Whisper Systems
  • Link to event page and Symbiosis schedule
  • Jenny Bio
  • Marc Bio
  • Link to slides
  • Takeaways: Awesome to present with our friends @ EFF and OWS, though turnout was less than we'd hope (likely given our timeslot: 8pm on Saturday night). The organizers of Symbiosis are working to evolve the culture toward more of an "open university" model, which would be a good niche for us to do outreach in the future.

The Future of the Internet After Net Neutrality: A Learning Session

Open Source Bridge

  • Where: Portland, OR
  • Date: 26 June 2014
  • Presenters: Jenny, Marc, Mitar (wlan-sloveia), Russell (Personal Telco Project), and Isaac Wilder (Kansas City Freedom Network)
  • Format: Panel w/ Sudo Mesh, wlan-slovenia, Personal Telco Project, and Kansas City Freedom Network
  • Link to event page
  • Session Notes
  • Link to slides

Five Minutes of Shame

  • Where: Internet Archive
  • Date: 22 February 2014
  • Presenters: Jenny & Matt
  • Format: 5-minute pitch about the project + Q&A
  • Takeaways: Someone has over 100 VoIP adapters they will donate to the project if they're useful! Jesse mentioned that mischief had gotten one of the donated Meraki Sparkys working, so we're following up on that. Josh is developing a file-sharing system that may be useful in the mesh. We tailored the talk to developers in an effort to recruit :-)

Mass Effect

  • Where: Sudo Room
  • Date: 10 January 2014
  • Presenters: Jenny
  • Format: 5-minute pitch about the project + Q&A
  • Link to event page
  • Link to slides
  • Takeaways: Rad to be part of an awesome event connecting various East Bay collectives and projects to one another.

East Bay Anarchist Bookfair

  • Where: Humanist Hall in Oakland, CA
  • Date: 26 October 2013
  • Presenters: Jeremy, Juul, Jenny
  • Format: Sudo Room/BAPS table with poster describing People's Open Network
  • Link to poster
  • Takeaways: Got some new folks interested and put on the map!

Professor Sameer Verda's Wireless Networking class for Business students

  • Where: San Francisco State University - Business Building
  • Date: 12 December 2013
  • Presenters: Jenny, Matt
  • Format: 45-minute long presentation + questions from students
  • Link to Video
  • Link to Slides
  • Takeaways:
    • Student feedback:
      • Concerns over security; inspired a potential community mesh deployment in a cul-de-sac!.
    • Discussion w/ Sameer:
      • Student internships and Independent study with Sudo Mesh! (3 units) - pay?,
      • Wants to work on 802.11s - cheap USB hardware devices, LibraryBox/PirateBox, Internet-in-a-Box.
      • Wants to have us return and give a presentation to a campus-wide Open Source group.
      • Potential for course projects and coursework in Sameer's classes in the future

Nonprofit Tech Summit / DevSummit

International Summit for Community Wireless Networks

Information Day

  • Where: Sudo Room
  • Date: 31 August 2013
  • Presenters: Jenny, Juul
  • Format: 30-minute long presentation + questions
  • Link to Video
  • Link to Slides