Meeting Notes 2015-10-14

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Sudo Room Meeting 2015-10-14

Facilitator(s): Brendan & Daron Scribe(s): Jeremy



Name / preferred gender pronoun / Share a short story or poem about your favorite operating system!

  • Alex / unity as an operating system, he likes it because its cross compatible
  • Mari / beOS because nobody else uses it
  • Sigma (they,them) / Fictional OS called PlanGPU where everthing is abstracted as a GPU texture (if you have heard of Plan9...)
  • Michael / Ubuntu
  • Daron / he doesn't have a favorite operating system
  • Robb / debian or slackware
  • Jeremy / debian based operating systems
  • Matt / he likes "GNU/Linux (Guh-new-slash-lynn-ucks") operating systems -- as richard stallman says it
  • Morgan / rsWorks because its running on mars
  • Michael (aka Seo "say-oh") / he doesn't have a favorite operating sytem
  • Alexandra / she is interested in social activism visting from Moscow Hackspace doing research via UC Berkeley
  • Brendan / I like operating systems that people use. Not sure which one that is, or what its being used for. Put me down for none.
  • Lef / debian based operating systems
  • Francisco /
  • Maryam /


  • Alex - I teach video games and music production before & after the noisebridge. I'd like to start teaching music and games here, plus 2d/3d art!
  • Jeremy - Sudoers, let's collaborate, attend, and support/promote this event partnering with the Internet Archive & Birdhous Art Collective (prospective member-collective) specifically lauren
  • Matt
    • This Saturady there will be a work party at Omni for Entrance Hall this Sat 10/17 @ 12 noon
    • Omni Commons has a Budget shortfall--need regular income to cover the shortfall
    • Matt is willing to take responsibility for his half-finished projects laying around all over the space!!!
  • Daron - Basically, if you guys. Here I'll just post it. "Densification"
  • Check this out -- hacker-in-residence program at P2P Lab in Greece (accommodation covered, but no $ for travel/expenses)

proposal: before meeting or after meeting oni wednesday...?game programming art music....

proposal: clean up the old projects laying around not being worked on....

proposal: sudoroom hackathon to help coordinate- Mari would like to volunteer...

announcement: Queerness and Games Conference this weekend in Berkeley

  • Friday 5pm, meeting for preparing the Halloween Party


via exchequer jenny:

  • $624 in the IFCU acct after paying November rent and October utilities
  • PayPal income (includes Gratipay) for 9/16 - 10/14 = $865 (about $170/wk)
  • Stripe income for 9/16 - 10/14 = $1017
    • 30 members paying with Stripe
  • One member paid a ~$350 utility bill this month (thanks Charley!)
  • Total monthly expenses: ~$2400
  • Needed in bank to reach fiscal solvency (3 months expenses): $6,576
  • Amount needed monthly to be fiscally solvent for paying expenses month-to-month: $518 or 13 $40 membership dues.
  • If anyone is interested in writing a grant application or two, that would be most excellent!

New Members

Alex Peake

Primary Questions:

PROMPT: There are no wrong answers

Would you like to briefly introduce yourself? Teaches classes about games, code hero, quit job to create game, ran out of money A game can only teach so much, cutting edge will always be human teaching, why I want to teach here Like making signs for hackerspaces Heard about a long time ago from Jenny, recently moved to Oakland

How did you find sudo room? Jenny

abolish sexual violence... teach people how to make games that create social change

end world hunger, et al teach people how to make games that allow people envision the future

teach people to make games that teach counter servialence

what do you know about sudo values? verbatim recital

history.... Broadway, free school, moved to Omni. Hopefully the future history continues

solidarity statement creating a safe space

examples of oppretion needed addressing... different abled, ethnicity and other people in need of a space

not a cop, fed, special informant

asked to leave a space? temp ban from NB for sleeping on sofa

happy? seeing people learn

Why do you want to be a sudo room member?

What do you want to hack or learn at sudo room?

What do you want to share with or teach at sudo room? Alex: game development....

What's your plan to abolish sexual violence, police brutality and white supremacy?

in 10 words or less What's your plan to end the anthropocene extinction, world hunger, global warming and global inequality?

in 10 words or lessWhat's your plan to ensure freedom and privacy of communication for all? in 10 words or lessWhat do you know about sudo room's values?What do you know about sudo room's history?

What do you know about the Omni Commons' statement of solidarity? Alex:yes

What do you know about the Omni Commons' safer space policy?

Have you ever been banned from a hackerspace or any other collective? Alex: were you asked to not sleep on the couch

take a week or two away from

Are you a cop? An informant? A federal agent? An undercover cop? An undercover cat?


What makes you happy?

Seeing people learn.

Other Questions:

     you said you like to build out hackerspaces? does your interest extend beyond that or do you set up a space and move on to somewhere?
     Yes, I'm still committed to a . Simbridge SimSudo/ you can take the hackerspaces and then have people play it.. you can level up the planet, 
     by assisting each community thats doing hackerspaces to get tools and legislative support because they're endangered in their area... Make a game that shows people the map of the world where each city is a pin that can contain a hackerspace on their block...etc.... 

Hackerspace could be a part of a larger set of activities....

and help people go through the hackerspace project....

 Optional Questions
 What's 20 + 3? 
 (this is not a trap)Can you please tell me what is in the captcha?
 Get them set up to pay membership dues on sudo-humansGive them Wordpress, Wiki accounts.Subscribe them to mailing list(s).

Whats your ? teach people to make games simulating counter surveillance


PROMPT: There are no wrong answers Would you like to briefly introduce yourself? Orignally from Greece, brief time in Germany, recently moved here and started coming to the space. Never been a member of a hacker space before. Actively involved in other technology groups before. Radio A/V experience with hardware/software.

How did you find sudo room? By chance when working at Omni. Looking for media related events, came to Omni via and discovered Sudo.

Why do you want to be a sudo room member? Very cool things going on, wants to support the space financially.

What do you want to hack or learn at sudo room? Unsure of a long term plan, interested in working on Cop Watch(tm). Experience in voice recognition could come in handy.

What do you want to share with or teach at sudo room? Unsure about teaching but has experience in programming, natural language, radio tech.

What's your plan to abolish sexual violence, police brutality and white supremacy? in 10 words or less give people access to information of what's going on.

What's your plan to end the anthropocene extinction, world hunger, global warming and global inequality? in 10 words or less raise aware of what's going on through infomation.

What's your plan to ensure freedom and privacy of communication for all? in 10 words or less build collective software to provide open services that ensure privacy and freedom of communication.

What do you know about sudo room's values? Open collabrative space the support transparancy.

What do you know about sudo room's history? Breif understanding

What do you know about the Omni Commons' statement of solidarity? Omni is a space aiming to be open to people of all categories, people with needs, poor and homeless, people of color or who face descrimination, LGBT

What do you know about the Omni Commons' safer space policy? Unsure. Probably aligns with previous experience and groups.

Have you ever been banned from a hackerspace or any other collective? No

Are you a cop? An informant? A federal agent? An undercover cop? An undercover cat? No

What makes you happy? Socailizing and being creative.

Questions: How do you feel about the current Greek government. Lack of faith in generally, disappointed in lack of action and follow through with promises.


PROMPT: There are no wrong answers

Would you like to briefly introduce yourself? Mari. I want to be a cyborg when I grow up. A portal shooting cyborg because transit sucks.

How did you find sudo room? Hangs out at NB and heard about sudo.

Why do you want to be a sudo room member? I love hackerspaces and I want to support every hackerspace every and SUDO ROOM IS AWESOME!!!! (we knew that)

What do you want to hack or learn at sudo room? Learn all the things, tech, art, teach about love of video games.

What do you want to share with or teach at sudo room? Everything about games, runs a gaming meeting at NB

What's your plan to abolish sexual violence, police brutality and white supremacy? in 10 words or less turn on skynet

What's your plan to end the anthropocene extinction, world hunger, global warming and global inequality? in 10 words or less tunrn on skynet

What's your plan to ensure freedom and privacy of communication for all? in 10 words or less turn off skynet

What do you know about sudo room's values? Openness, accessibility, do-ocracy, community, safe space, yeah!

What do you know about sudo room's history? tiny room in downtown Oakland, then another room, then here. Some of the original members where NBers

What do you know about the Omni Commons' statement of solidarity? Very inclusive, don't turn anyone away for any reason. Space place for all.

What do you know about the Omni Commons' safer space policy? Yes. Be excellent, don't be offensive, stalky.

Have you ever been banned from a hackerspace or any other collective? No

Are you a cop? An informant? A federal agent? An undercover cop? An undercover cat? no. Undercover brother.

What makes you happy? Safty, learning things.



Game Design / Programming / Art / Music Production Class via Sudo Room?

  • Wednesdays before the meeting
  • No reason to be approved by meetin
  • It will be posted on the website, ask
  • I will print up flyers soon!

Sudo Room Hackathon -- Hack on t3h sp4c3!!1

  • Matt asked if someone wants to do this
  • hackathon in the sense of reorganizing the space
  • Mari totally wants to do this. ^.^
  • Collective brainstorming on things that need to be done ->
  • Members raised hands on whether they would participate in the room re-organization and whether they would help Mari with organizing the day(s). Participation seems satisfactory.
  • Proposal for a software that by default would display the iRC channel on the big LCD display

Brainstorming How To Help Omni Commons Cover Budget Shortfall

  • Matt gives background: Omni is a collective of collective. The master tenant has a board of directors which are representatives from every collective. In every meeting one representative is appointed to give the opinion of the collective to the board. Income is mainly from the member collectives paying rent and renting the big space. Fundraising. In the past took non-interest loans from members.

Sudo room currently paid 2k a month. Other collectives pay different amounts and not necessarily connected to the space they are using. Need to cover the shortfall and then buy the building.

  • Monthly 13k rent cost + 2k utilities, but we only have 10k
  • Notes from the whiteboard:
    • Sudoroom pays more money
    • Scanning people with deadline - plan FEAR
    • Fundraising events of our own (Mari)
      • - 3 chiptune bands are willing
      • - mini-con, equipment etc
    • Interest by the collective "Inkworks Press".
      • meeting breaks in subgroups for five minutes to get with particular ideas
    • East bay premier 3D printer f-lament provider
    • Entrance Hall - cofee, snacks, tea, OMNI general store -> Vending Machines . There are already two vending machines. Front space is already designated as a common space by every collective.
    • Parties - artist support - downtown scene  : this currently is limited by the soundproofing constraint which may be solved
    • Promotion tools (commons working group) -> groupmuse,
    • General/monthly parties, involve all members of the community
    • Art sale/auction
    • Shirt-design propaganda
    • Classes+programming followed by an event e.g. with Student Web Developers "Student tech clinic"
    • Aim for 120 new sudoers
    • Selling stuff
    • Security conference
    • Other conferences.
    • Set a monthly goal for events (all types of events)
      • explanation of alcohol regulation - private event can provide alcohol for free
      • kitchen needs to have inspection
    • "Clothed porn". Political debate in front of a webcam with watchers tipping tokens. Example:
    • Similar to Ignite or Noisebridge's 5mof, a collection of volunteer short presentations in an evening.

Action Items
