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Category: news
news updates
December 2024 Newsletter
What’s shaking in the last month of 2024 at SudoRoom?
New Meetup Series: Papercrafting + Programming + AI & whatever (postponed to later in January)
Announcing a new learning how to learn paper crafting + Artificial intelligence programming and math whatever else series right before our hardware hack nights on Tuesdays!
SudoRoom is now on BlueSky!
SudoRoom is now on Bluesky!
Japanese Model Kit Building at Hardware Hack Night
Coaching some software engineer folks constantly glued to digital screens to try out some hardware hack night model building with Japanese kits from Tokyo!
Nollywood Inspiration part 2: Young Science Fiction in Nigeria!
Inspired by young science fiction movie indie creators in Nigeria…
Nollywood: Nigerian Innovation in Cinema (Part 1)
We draw inspiration from the plucky Nollywood film industry
Fix-It Clinic TV: Can You Help?
Can anyone help out with this fixit project? around a tv?
Seen at the East Bay Bike Party
Hack your bike for the. many bike parties in the San Francisco Bay Area at our hardware hack night
Grace Hopper said, go out and do it!
If grace hopper said you can do it, go ahead and do it!