Hacker snacks aren’t only chips, pizza and junk food!
At our recent hardware hack night we had some super-healthy Dabo Kolo fried dough snacks from our bodega next door. It’s an Ethiopian place down the street that has a cute cat and sells injera (we’ll be talking to them more in further blog posts).
These Dabo kolo fried dough snacks have less than five ingredients and they are all real, so they pass the Michael Pollan “Is it real food?” test!

Incidentally, the city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia just built a huge metro rail line, the first in Africa I think? There’s nothing more cyberpunk than public transportation! We are down the street from the MacArthur BART and next to two bike share stations run by Bay Wheels as well.
There are over 20,000 folks from Ethiopia and Eritrea in Oakland. This is a place where you can get Ethiopian coffee, injera bread, and authentic meals along with all sorts of healthy sweets and snacks.
Oakland Rules Because It’s Small Town America at its Best
We love Oakland, and being physically located in the most diverse, warmest and most all-American small town vibe place in the entire United States is something that SudoRoom hackerspace is proud of. While we’re proud to be part of the hacker community, we aren’t “just another” hackerspace. While Oakland has problems, it is also the most unique and interesting place in California in our opinions, with a wealth of talent.
Unlike most places in America, it’s easy to walk or bike past dozens of locally owned businesses, so SudoRoom and Oakland Temescal have a small-town mainstreet feel you wouldn’t find in other places in the USA. You really get to know the local business owners here in a way that’s simply not possible in the other cities with more clean-cut reputations.
Immigrants Make SudoRoom Great
And our local businesses aren’t only centered around yoga studios and chain store coffee shops – Oakland has Korean grocery stores visited by real working class Korean folks, same with the Yemeni and Ethiopian and Eritrean grocery stores. We’re down the street from the East Bay Center for Reuse where teachers get discounted art supplies and hardcore Korean noodle joints.
Looking forward to more Ethiopian snacks and healthy food in the time ahead!