Prerequisite-free Set Theory: Just the Intuition

Spend an hour going over the what would be the very introductory pages to any Set Theory text. This “class” requires no mathematical requisites – only a curiosity.
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Date(s) - 2014/06/14
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


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Learn how this picture relates to Set Theory
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The best part about Set Theory is how one can base not just most mathematics off of it, but also various philosophies, like those of Alain Badiou.

Spend an hour going over the what would be the very introductory pages to any Set Theory text. This “class” requires no mathematical requisites – only a curiosity.

Our main focus’s will be to go over (a) the need for set theory, (b) some very basic definitions, (c) some less mathematical examples.

Participants will leave being less fearful of mathematics by having understood it’s simplest building blocks, and be able to explain the Barber Paradox to their friends over pizza.



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