today i got a call that the front door latch wasn't working right.
I came to the space and checked it out, and it's definitely getting sticky -
trying to open the door right after activating the latch release sometimes
doesn't work. Trying a second time works.
I fiddled with the solenoid latch and tried to identify the problem but i can't
see anything specific that's going wrong.
This latch was just purchased a couple of months ago and i'm guessing it was
hundreds of dollars. It's a really fancy thing. Maybe it has a warranty?
I don't see a good place to put in lubricant, and sometimes that makes things
worse. So especially since this thing was fancy and expensive, i think we
should be careful and do the right thing.
Hopefully it's not going to get worse, but I expect that since it was fine
before and now it's not, it's just going to produce more complaints. We might
have to put up a sign or something.
Next time I work on the front door, i'll put a louder speaker on the access
system so that people can better hear the beep indicating that they should pull
the door open.
Hi Helen,
I put two cards in an envelope for you in the FNB mail slot, next to the
wheelchair elevator.
One is labeled HELEN and the other labeled K, for the other person you
mentioned. The K one is not activated but the HELEN one is.
Who is the 2nd card for?
Please test your new card and let me know if you need anything else, you can
reach my by phone anytime if you can't get the door to work, and i can control
it remotely.
Thank you
On Sun, 13 Feb 2022, Helen Finkelstein wrote:
> Could I get the new card today (=Sunday)? I would like to use it early
> tomorrow morning.
> Helen
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 1:20 AM Jake <jake(a)> wrote:
>> Hi Helen,
>> can I give you a new card? that will help a lot.
>> President jake
>> (415)533-3699
>> On Sat, 12 Feb 2022, Yardena Cohen wrote:
>>> Thanks for the bug report Helen. I'm copying Jake and Marc who are
>>> more able than me to help with the hardware issues.
>>> On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 6:42 AM Helen Finkelstein <hefinkel(a)> wrote:
>>>> The card key reader does not work reliably. Sometimes it takes many
>>>> swipes to get it to work; sometimes it does not work at all.
>>>> Helen