hi Patrik,
when you swiped your card (swept? swupped?) it just gave an error code
over and over again:
Access denied. Your attempt has been logged. Tue Sep 27 2016 22:48:24
GMT-0700 (PDT)
Access denied. Your attempt has been logged. Tue Sep 27 2016 22:48:28
GMT-0700 (PDT)
Access denied. Your attempt has been logged. Tue Sep 27 2016 22:48:32
GMT-0700 (PDT)
that code 4adc1dbd9253e3ec41bc037d2f5fd393c790ece5 corresponds to an
error, but i don't know what the error "says" because everything coming
from the card reader is a hashed sequence of PC keyboard scan codes :(
i rebooted the front door computer and shortly afterward i saw someone
swipe in successfully. unfortunately this is not real science, we should
have tried your card again after rebooting, and in context with other
known working cards.
i encourage you to join IRC so you can see when the card reader is
reporting that it's working, and try your card again - i want to know if
it's your card wearing out or if it's the hardware.