This card is also for Much Ado ABout Nothing group.
I will collect both cards from them on 4/3 and hold then
for other renters who need access at early morning hours.
I should now have three cards 2 for Much Ado and 1 for me.
On Mar 8, 2017, at 11:33 AM, Jake wrote:
ok Joe i added it, who is it for? do you still have
all your other cards?
On Tue, 7 Mar 2017, joseph liesner wrote:
> OK I swipped a King Siooper card 10x ttoday 3/7 at 9:25 am/
> Please make that an key Card.
> Thanks
> joe
> On Mar 6, 2017, at 10:31 PM, Jake wrote:
>> certainly not, only gift cards and credit cards and membership cards and things
>> like that. Bart cards use a totally differnt recording scheme.
>> On Mon, 6 Mar 2017, joseph liesner wrote:
>>> Hi Jake
>>> Will an old bart card work for a key card?
>>> joe