Morning Math Telenovela – Parte 1 – Precision, Globes, and The Haversine Dream!

First session of morning math

This week we jumpstarted the Morning Math event at SudoRoom after many years of dormancy. A low-pressure fun way to just deal with and talk about math, even for people who forgot everything to chill with people who are professional expert mathematician bears!

The format is a bit different from most in that we try to stay away from screens as much as possible, browse as little internet and do not do any remote meetings or YouTube video watching. We also bring in the art supplies and (eventually) even might sew!

The sessions are quite short, so this telenovela began with a discussion of “what if”… what if we wanted to know the distance between SudoRoom hackerspace and Paris?????? on this round globe we live on called the Earth. It’s not like putting a line between two points on a flat math because… well the earth is round!!!!

telenovela SudoRoom parte 1!

We could take a look at all the approaches. Sometimes the first choice might not work in all situations…

The spherical law of cosines might be a nifty solution… unless the two points are close to each other…

Then we run into PERIL!

Horror! Are we lost! No… we have the law of haversines….

And there we stop until the next episode! Until next time folks! We’ll be hanging out next Tuesday afternoon and involve the law of haversines with some sewing, paper cutouts and other creative mischief!

Join us for episode 2