Rust Algebraic Data Types! Women & NonBinary Coding/Hacking Night (7/22)

​​This evening we’ll do a deep dive on algebraic data types! ADTs are a hot new computer science concept (“new” == from the ’90s ) which Rust uses to make its representation of data.

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​This Monday Evening, July 22nd, evening we’ll have a cool guest, Jade, who will talk about some fun advanced topics on the Rust Programming Language with our wonderful speaker Jade, a passionate Rust enthusiast!


​​This evening we’ll do a deep dive on algebraic data types! ADTs are a hot new computer science concept (“new” == from the ’90s ) which Rust uses to make its representation of data.

Plan for the evening:

Talk about the theory of algebraic data types (struct as product, tagged enum as sum)

​Visual learning for basic sum types (Option and Result)

​Let’s put it into practice! Group design effort for a Result for an example application.

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