Making the shop more diverse at women & non-binary hack night
Category: women and nonbinary hack night
Brainstorming Topics for the Year of the Snake!
Brainstorming new topics
Each one teach one
Each one teach one at the women & non-binary hack night
It’s Halloween hack Time!
It’s Halloween time!
Women & Non-Binary Hack Night: Marie van Brittan Brown, coinventor of the home security system
We honor the inventor Marie van Brittan Brown, who was frustrated at how dangerous her neighborhood had become in the 1960s and invented an audio visual home security system!
female pioneers of electronic music
Our next few sessions of Women and Non-Binary hack night at SudoRoom will be inspired by female pioneers of audio music!!!!
Women & Non-Binary Night: AI workshop on a game to protect female refugees
This AI workshop Monday we’ll be working on a game in which female peacekeepers protect female refugees in a simulation
AI, open source and women as peacekeepers
Women as peacekeepers, open source AI, and hardware hacking!
“Life is short… sometimes people don’t want to take the risk” – Octavia Butler
thanks for the love! Our Octavia Butler inspired open source AI hack nights have been a big hit at women and non-binary night!
Inspiration from GOAT Octavia Butler
Some pre women & non-binary pep talk from Octavia Butler