CryptoParty San Francisco

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Date(s) - 2013/03/23
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Langton Labs


Let’s Party Like It’s 1993

CryptoParty is a worldwide series of adhoc and decentralized events aimed at spreading information and know-how about privacy, security, and encryption tools. Crypto tools can be opaque, and the concepts tricky, so CryptoParty exists to empower beginners and more advanced cypherpunks alike.

Following our fantastically successful initial San Francisco CryptoParty, March’s Cryptoparty II: Enciphered Boogaloo is being held at Langton Labs, an ongoing experiment in creating and living based out of a former sign factory South of Market. We’re putting together some great speakers, and planning even more time to get out your laptop and phone and actually get things working for you. There will be speakers, hacking space, free-time and busy-time, and double-free time.

We want CryptoParty II: Enciphered Boogaloo to be a safe space for all sorts of people, no matter how they identify, and no matter how much experience they’ve had with these sorts of tools before. For that reason, we have an anti-harassment policy. Read it; don’t weep.