Date(s) - 2013/02/21
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
San Francisco
Are you a coder or designer, but also a fan of the great outdoors?
Are you an environmentalist wondering what to do with your mountains of data, or how to use technology to innovate?
If so, or if you’re somewhere in between, join us for an interactive, social launch party full of baked goods and interesting people sharing ideas for what creative tech and design can do for the environmental movement.
We’ll feature several lightning presentations by nerds and nature folk alike, and invite attendees to help us envision this year’s upcoming workshops and make-and-do events.
Nerds for Nature is a new group whose mission is to bring together technologists and environmental professionals to collaboratively build awesome tools to understand, protect, and revive the natural world.
What ideas might you come up with?
The event is free but please RSVP so we can plan for light food & refreshments!
Talks by:
- Ken-ichi Ueda, creator of the citizen science platform
- Stanley Jones of Diligent Creative, who helped Oil Change International make energy finance data more accessible
- and more!