I just had ankle surgery so I'm not sure if I can help organize the
upcoming post Art Murmur Artmaking party.
*I'm about to strike it out of the calendar... *
*Is anyone interested in running the event on February 7 still? *
Organizing it isn't a big problem, and there are still leftover art
supplies (probably in the radio room) from the last event.
- At the last event the work I had to do to get it going was minimal.
- People just sort of showed up with their own supplies as well, it was
very collaborative.
*February 7, 2014*
*SudoRoom Art Making Party*
*As the Oakland Art Mrumur ends, artmaking werewolves converge on the
SudoRoom hackerspace to jam to music, make art, and collaborate in all
sorts of crazy werewolf ways.*
*If you are an artist, performer, genius of ways to set up collaborative
artmaking stations, or have films and videos to show, contact us! We’d like
to see your stuff.*
Romy Ilano