This Sat. 5/18 at 2PM: Fix-It Day & Linux Install Day!

Thomas Brownwell ( CC-BY

Please join us this Saturday 5/18 at 2PM at Sudo Room (2141 Broadyway, entrance on 22nd St., take the elevator upstairs) for Fix-It Day and Linux Install Day!

We have a lot of computers and other equipment at Sudo Room in various states of functionality. You may also have computers and other kinds of equipment in various states of functionality! During this session we will come together to test/repair computers and learn more about fixing computers. Please feel free to bring any equipment that you’d like to work on repairing and we’ll do our best to figure it out together.

BONUS: Have you always been curious about Linux but not sure where to start? If you are interested in installing Linux on your Windows computer (it is not necessary to delete Windows to install Linux), we will also be helping participants install Linux.

This workshop is part of the series “Today I Learned,” a series of free workshops that take place every Saturday at 2PM at Sudo Room, a creative community and hackerspace in downtown Oakland. Check out the full schedule at and please forward widely.