It’s Halloween hack Time!

It’s Halloween time!

It’s halloween time! So that means costumes and decoration hacking, whether it’s your Diwali, . We have figured out where the glue guns are and we are here for all your soldering needs:

Do you want to make costumes for your kids where they celebrate public transportation and dress as BART trains? Or create an LED costume of the Vamp Theda Bara? The possibilities are endless!

And as we all know, while Halloween comes from the pagan celebration of Samhain, it has become a purely American holiday exported all around the world, spreading to Europe and Japan in the 1990s. It’s interesting to see what weird twists these take, and that Halloween pet costumes are out the roof ($700 million in 2022 according to NPR)! Who would’ve thought that cats dressed as pirates would be the next wave of fashion innovation?