Craft Night with Hackerspace Nerds

We were having a necessary meeting at SudoRoom this Sunday with lots of paperwork… there were people from the excellent SF hackerspace Noisebridge as well!

this stuff is important, but people were starting to fade out fast. Or maybe it was just me. There are a lot of great things afoot, and I had spent far too long away from this place.

The meeting was dragging on and on. People were talking in slow motion and we weren’t even drunk. They were doing the necessary leg work but i was antsy. We were not a very formal board of directors, lolling around in the pews and pushing through legalese. We kept interrupting people asking when we could do our first board meeting in a Korean bathhouse, all of us naked and eating group snacks.

No go.

“Say what, Rock Paper Scissors Collective down the street is having craft night for an hour or two. Let’s head over gang!” There are girls there! It’s a makerspace, not a hackerspace!

And wow! This is what we did. Our little troop:

Matt took over the button maker at RPS Collective. He has the inner sewing lady waiting to bust out! oh wait! it’s already out there!
Big piles of markers and paints and supplies during RPS Craft Night. Hackerspaces can be so electronic… it’s nice to touch tangible things
Making away
Noisebridge and SudoRoom folks attack the RPS Collective sewing area
Noisebridge represent!
I had no idea that fellow Sudoroom and Noisebridge hacker JC used to live in Tahoe. we’re planning our first return. He probably knows a lot more crazy people up there than I Do!
Go RPS Craft night go!
Lots of hands making the work load light
cranberry sauce
SudoRoom brought RPS Collective some homemade cranberry sauce. Thanks Matt! Awesome!
Noisebridge Garrett
G from Noiesbridge talking about martial arts, politics and real estate development with the Oakland RPS Collective crew


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