This Sat 8/24: Today I Learned: Fixit Clinic!

Fix your broken stuff — Or at least learn more about it disassembling it. Bring your broken, non-functioning things — electronics, appliances, computers, toys, etc.– for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item. Whether we fix it or not, you’ll learn more about how it was manufactured and how it worked. This is a family-friendly event: children are heartily invited!

WHAT:   Fixit Clinic LVIII (#58) at Sudo Room
WHEN:  Saturday, Aug 24, 2013 2-5PM
WHERE: Sudo Room 2141 Broadway St, Oakland
HOW: Bring: 1) your broken or non-working thing (carry-in only: no oversize items)
2) accessories and tools you already own that might be helpful (e.g. phillips head screwdriver)
3) any knowledge or advance research you’ve done on the issue
4) boxes, bags and/or small containers to organize (and carry away) parts.
COST:   Free!
WHY:     To make friends, learn how things work, and have fun!

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This workshop is part of the series “Today I Learned,” a series of free workshops that take place every Saturday at 2PM at Sudo Room, a creative community and hackerspace in downtown Oakland. Check out the full schedule at and please forward widely.