Brian Kolm’s character in the ballroom

light projection hacking in the ballroom

What’s so great about SudoRoom is that you are free to come and experiment in person with just a bunch of vague ideas. I’ve found that you simply can’t make the same kind of connection with people and places doing everything online through a discord or slack channel. Sometimes it’s a lot of fun to just physically be in a place and bounce ideas off people.

Here’s a bunch of casual forays into the Omni Commons ballroom using a SudoRoom donated light projector. We have a bunch of movable white walls, and I think it would be very fun to do light projections of dance or music or even create an amusement park type ride.

Where will this project go? Nobody knows! It’s very cool to just show up without an agenda and do your own thing, and even collaborate with whoever happens to be there. While it’s great to watch all these cool online examples of other people doing light projection, I could do that at home and it becomes rather passive and uninteresting.

Getting your hands dirty is part of the fun of SudoRoom on Tuesdays during hardware hack night (when most people show up). I’m still exploring different light projector projects, including mini projects that I’ve taken to the bicycle parties in the East Bay.

We have an entire Projection mapping page on the wiki if you’re interested with a list of our current equipment in stock!