scenes from the hardware hack night

Our most popular night for folks to gather are Tuesdays, during our hardware hack night. It’s a collision of a lot of different cool folks, and you’ll see people working on everything from the fixit clinic (hell yeah we’re going to fix our old electronics, we don’t need planned obsolescence!) to the giant robot arm (it got started up again!) to the cool multimedia lab downstairs with its sewing machines and embroideries for folks intent on making historical folk costumes or non sexist swimwear.

It’s cool seeing old hardware and learning about the history of electronics, failed companies and successful ones, as well as seeing how technology standards evolved over the years. And the more you know, the more you can create.

showing folks around on hardware hack night

We weren’t left untouched by the bomb cyclone storms. There was a group effort to get the tarp up to deal with any Leaks from the roof, and so far our equipment has escaped unscathed. knock on wood!

Teamwork makes the dream work as we haul the largest ladder that exists to help put tarp up to protect us against storms

If you’re interested in meeting folks, following an existing project, or starting your own project and enlisting pirates to join in your mad designs, then Tuesday hardware hack night is a good time to show up. We have a running list of cool projects in various states of activity, a lot of them jump started after the originators moved on to greener pastures. It’s always interesting seeing mashups of old projects with new ones!

It’s also totally possible for you to join SudoRoom as a member and propose your own evening during the week!